Am I Under House Arrest?

Pratap coughed before saying, "It's not always the one who is drugged with an aphrodisiac has to do intercourse. Sometimes, it may also result in losing temper and hurting others. And Sarah already did the strenuous DEED in Paradise Bar. This means she already used her 'POWER' somewhere else. Her object of finding pleasure was beating those youths. You know her better than me. There are some psychological factors that determine a person's behavior."

Pratap spoke a little vaguely but Vikram understood the meaning underlying his explanation.

Sarah was like a rabbit entrapped by a group of bad wolves. She had built a wall of caution around her and whenever she encountered any kind of danger, the invisible wall would instantly appear around her. She was afraid of powerful wolves and that's why she had intentionally turned herself into a powerful tigress from a weakling rabbit!