Bad Father!

In a courtyard of a small dilapidated house, a young boy of four to five years old was playing with his wooden toys. He could hear his mother calling him lovingly from inside, "Mommy's little darling, where are you? Can you find mommy?"

The little boy turned his head around and looked at the entrance. He saw his mother hiding behind the curtain and peeking at him through it playfully.

The boy giggled at her as he showed her his wooden car by waving it in the air. "Mommy, see my car is flying!"

The slender woman wearing a simple saree came outside and descended the stairs. She picked up the boy in her arms and planted a kiss on his fair and chubby cheeks. "My son will become a pilot and fly big planes in the sky one day!"

"No!" The boy shouted while shaking his head. "I want to be a Captain on the ship!"

The woman laughed, her eyes full of admiration for her son. "Okay! I will ask your father to buy you a big ship."