
Vikram rested his head on hers. His tears fell on Sarah's cheeks as he spoke in determinant tone, "I promise you, I will punish that culprit who drugged you and tried to tarnish your reputation. Nobody can harm my sister. No one!" He then spoke softly like coaxing a child, "My little baby, do you despise your elder brother? I have wronged you. Tell me, how should I punish myself?"

Sarah's tears started to roll down from her eyes on her cheeks and mixed up with his tears. She shook her head and said, "I love you, brother. I can't hate you in this lifetime. There's no word like 'hate' in my dictionary."

She then laughed and her watery eyes sparkled with mischievousness in them. "There are some matters I have to attend. Please cover up for me."

The sentimental atmosphere in the dispensary instantly deflated like a balloon.