Marry Her Off

Hiten trembled like a rabbit cornered by a discontented tiger. He stuttered, "I... I am sorry, sir."

"Now go with the same speed and ask agent Binod to come over and find out who hacked this account!" Pratap ordered with a murderous look on his face.

"Right.. right away, Sir!" Hiten turned around and fled with the cup and the file in his hands, leaving the fuming beast alone in his office.


Hiten came out of President's office, panting. He leaned on the wall and took a sip of tea in his hand.

The sixteenth table lost his life... Aish! He has to order a new table now...

Suddenly, he heard a loud noise of something crashing on the ground inside the President's office and spit out the tea from his mouth. With a jolt, he straightened up and scooted ahead without looking back.
