Annoying Brat

"Sarah.." The name sounded vaguely familiar as the man felt he had heard it somewhere before. "And then?"

"Actually, my Lord.." Skeleton paused for a moment before continuing, "She got involved in a criminal case, drug scandal and money laundering case at the same time and now, she is under house arrest. They have cops all around her residence and there are so many people in the house. Our men are trying to approach her but it's difficult to catch her alone for the time being. Besides, many reporters from different news channels are lingering in that area to catch her just one glimpse."

The man raised his brows in amusement. "Three cases at a time? Sounds interesting.."

Virus reminded him, "It's the same Miss Sarah whom we had met at Hotel Taj when we visited an important client in Mumbai five months ago. In fact, we had bumped into her several times this year."