Hopeless Darkness

It was the single earring in a set of gold earrings.

Foggy memories started to surge into his mind accelerating his heartbeat further.

He had gone to Goa to celebrate the get together with his old classmates from his engineering college. They booked an entire floor of a three-storied resort for one night and chatted and played lots of games on the beach.

Some of them started to order drinks and he was forced to drink more that night by his crazy friends. After midnight, everyone went to sleep in their respective rooms while he forgot which room he was supposed to stay in.

He saw an open door of one of the rooms and an empty bed through it and mistakenly entered and laid in the bed without thinking much about it as he was dead tired.

Someone entered after him and turned off the already dim lights in the room. The person then climbed on the other empty side of the bed and slipped inside the duvet.