Destined To Remain Impotent

Saket was dumbfounded. He furrowed his brows and glanced at his cellphone to confirm he had indeed received a call from Sarah a while ago.

There wasn't any point in hating and holding a grudge against Sarah as she was the last and only hope for him since Jasper's cousin had denied to help him.

He swallowed all the distaste and resentment he felt towards Sarah and called back on the landline number from Mumbai.

Sarah instantly picked up the call.

"Sarah?" He asked for confirmation.

"Mmm... You still remember my name. I am feeling honored. How are your bat and balls? Are they doing well? Have you started to behave like a sissy yet?"

Sarah didn't give him any chance to speak in between as she kept talking ruthlessly, "Looks like you are enjoying being impotent. Are you intending to remain like this for a lifetime? How about I inject some female hormones inside you as well?"