We Are Always Here For You

Samar pushed Sarah off and held her in his arms, glaring daggers at Rahul.

Rahul stopped and looked back at Samar.

"She needs two more lashings. Don't come between us." He warned Samar.

"I said enough!" Samar tightened his grip around Sarah who was trembling softly in his arms. "Look at yourself first before teaching others what to do!"

Rahul's expressions darkened. "What did you say?"

"I meant what I said," Samar replied without an ounce of fear in his eyes.

Vikram realized they were going off the topic again and coughed gently while reminding Rahul from behind, "Don't fight in front of her..."

Rahul controlled his anger before looking at Sarah and saying, "Look at her, you made her cry but she is still holding on to you. Do you have an ounce of shame inside you?" He asked Samar.

Samar glared at Rahul. "When did I make her cry? You hit her. She is now crying because of you!"