
Sarah stood there frozen like a scaredy-cat. She shook her head forcefully and squatted down to hug his legs. "Brother, I can explain."

Vikram put the pebbles back in his pants pocket and pulled Sarah up. He then turned her around forcefully and slapped her rear twice. "Little liar!"

"Aahh! Sorry! Sorry! I won't do it again!" Sarah cried out and started to jump up and down. Her buttocks started to hurt and scorch by the two tight slaps.

"Tsk! You really don't have flesh there!" Vikram clicked his tongue and released her hand.

Sarah massaged her sore rear and bowed her head in embarrassment as she refused to look up at him. Her cheeks turned red as she muttered unhappily, "Brother! I am grown up now... You can't hit me like this..."

Vikram snorted. "Heh... I had even washed your butt until you turned six! Sigh... They are no longer as soft as before."

Sarah: "..."

She wanted to dig a hole and hide then and there.