
"Finish your milk first," Vikram said in a warning tone.

"Uh...huh..." Sarah made a sound while drinking the milk that tasted of bitter herbs. She frowned in disgust.

"No more drama!" Vikram growled.

Sarah: "..." It's autogenerated! What can I do?

Unable to answer back, Sarah gulped down the entire milk in the glass in one go and passed the empty glass to Leela.

"Bitter..." Sarah made a weird face, cursing inwardly her two mentors.

"Sarah is a good girl." Leela smiled and caressed Sarah's back.

Suddenly, the door of the waiting room opened and Sakshi entered. Everyone turned to look at her.

Rahul noticed the fatigue on his wife's face and rushed towards her. Others followed after him as well.

When Sakshi saw her husband, she finally felt relieved.

"Sakshi," Rahul held her arms and assessed his wife. His heart ached for her. "Are you okay? What about Samar?"