Rape Without TOOL

Sarah, who was standing opposite of Johny, burst into laughter again. She immediately covered her mouth. "Sorry... Please continue." Her whole body was shaking while she tried to suppress her laughter.

Madhur and Lav exchanged glances and chuckled as well. Aditi shook her head and rolled her eyes. Vikram remained stony-faced as he watched the drama unfold as usual.

Ninad sighed and watched his wife who was standing there expressionlessly, but he knew she was trying hard to not laugh.

If they didn't know the truth, each one of them would have lost rationality and attacked Jonhy then and there. Naina would have been the first to do so.

"That's why you had a further dispute with Sarah?" Naina asked Johny. It was clear that the reason behind victims' calmness was that the important eye-witness girl was on their side. She had changed her statement, turning into a hostile witness.

"Yes." Johny was confident. They had indeed come prepared.