She Is Leaving Tonight

Lav glanced askance at Madhur. "Heart attack in the kidney? Eh? And where will you have a brain stroke? In your balls?"

"You!" Madhur pointed his finger at Lav as he was rendered speechless. He thumped again on the steering wheel before starting the car. "Do you think I have my brain in my pants?"

"Isn't it?" Lav asked him slyly. "Your two small hemispheres 'work' when you are drunk."

Madhur's face turned red after hearing that. "Could you please stop taunting me like this?"

Lav grinned and shook his head. "You are an experienced man now. Care to share some knowledge?" He asked teasingly.

"Knowledge my a*s!" Madhur glared at Lav. He then scoffed in disdain. "As if you aren't experienced! Don't try to fool me. You are a womanizer!"

Lav merely chuckled at him before staying silent.

Madhur looked at the building Sarah went in. "I hope she will not cause another blunder now."