Not A Father In Name Only

"This is a racer bike so you have to be careful on the road and make sure not to break the traffic rules unless it is necessary. I have set it on the normal bike mode because I don't trust you. You never listen to anyone." Ali said with a solemn look on his face.

Sarah rolled her eyes at him. "If you know this, then why are you wasting your lungs' air? Leave it, I will learn everything myself. Go, teach someone else this crap." She pushed him lightly away and started the bike.

"Vroooom! Vroooom! Vroooom!"

Ali: "..."

He extended his hand turned off the bike with the key. "Listen to me. Please don't put people's lives in danger like this!"

Sarah glared at him. "Don't teach me what to do. I know everything."

Ali crossed his arms across his chest as he said calmly, "No, you don't. Get off and listen to me."

Sarah pushed the helmet's visor upward to look at him. "I don't have time to listen to you. Let me go!"