Love The Way You Are

"I participated in another two free fights to establish fear among the other gang leaders who used to think they are more powerful than each other." Sarah explained further and looked down before saying softly, "I just wanted to share your burden, brother. I also wanted to protect our family in absence of our elder brother, you, and sister-in-law. I am sorry."

Vikram felt someone stabbing his heart mercilessly. He looked at Sarah's downcast eyes and said, "Even though your intentions aren't bad, I am against your ways of handling the matters. Don't walk on the wrong path while trying to protect our family. It will be hard for me to bring you back. They will never understand you and instead, you will lose the family you want to protect with your silly methods."

After saying that, Vikram turned and walked out of the garage.

Sarah stayed there for a while to fix her dampened mood. She then took a deep breath and exited the garage as well.