Exchanging Farewell Words

Lav chuckled and shook his head. "I promise, I won't. Now let me eat. I am hungry."

Sarah silently let go of Lav's hand and resumed eating her dinner.

Sarla and Himmat served the dinner to the twin brothers and went back to their places.

Sarah glanced at the vegetable soup, a simple lentil curry, and a small bowl of rice in front of Lav and nodded her head to herself slightly.

Why didn't she noticed his changed daily routine and diet earlier? Since when did he start to eat such kind of balanced diet? A month or two?

Sarah casually glanced at the trio who were watching Lav warily and trying to grasp his current mood.

She remembered something and leaned towards Lav to ask him in a lower voice, "Did they bully you? I saw you guys talking in the corner of the great hall. Were you guys fighting on what my helmet told to brother Amrut and Arjun?"