The Twin Sisters' Secret

After reaching their apartment, Divya keyed the password and entered the dimly lit-up hall. She switched on the lights and closed the door behind her.

The apartment of twins was just like them. Gorgeous and ladylike. The house was decorated with many creative things and rare beautiful antique pieces and masterpieces. A huge family photo hung on the wall behind the furry pink-colored sofas.

Removing her high heels, Divya walked towards the sofa and sat down to relax for a while.

Suddenly, the cell phone in her handbag beeped thrice. She took out her cell phone from her bag and took a glance at it.

Someone had sent an image on their company's chat group.

"Look at the CEO of The Feather Touch Advertising company! Kunal Devdhar is looking so handsome at the conference!"

Divya's hand trembled slightly. She hesitated for a while before downloading the picture.