
That time, Sarah had called Samar 'bad brother' and refused to talk to him for a whole month. That was the worst time for Samar as well who loved to pinch her plump cheeks after every minute.

All the students in his school used to tease Samar to such an extent that he had started to fight with them. One day, he caused severe injuries to one of his classmates who taunted him saying that he isn't a normal kid but the impure blood of the devil.

After solving this matter, Anant had prohibited Samar from fighting with others and personally taught him the skill of anger management.

Samar never took revenge on Sarah for this incident nor did he offend Rahul, his elder brother who used to annoy him now and then for no reason.

He successfully gained control over his anger but his tongue became even more vicious and he would speak with insulting words to others and often hurt their feelings. This way, nobody dared to go near him.