The Ambush

"I shouldn't have done surgery on that Danny." Samar felt disgusted and regretful for saving Daniel's life who had tried to hurt his sister.

If he had discovered earlier what Daniel had done to his younger sister, he would have crushed that guy's head in the operation theater!

"We have transferred him to our hospital," Rahul said with a smirk.

Samar looked at Rahul. "Can I get a chance to declare him as brain dead?"

Rahul chuckled and shook his head in refusal. "His statement will be used against Zoya Siddiqui. He has to stay alive."

Samar fell silent again.

When Rahul thought that he wasn't going to speak anything further, Samar asked in a muffled and unclear voice, "Was she crying for me?"

Rahul looked at him in confusion. "Hmm? Who?"

Samar played dumb. He knew that if he inquired Rahul about Kirti, Rahul would start to harass him further.