Old Virgitarian

Rudra smiled slightly and stayed silent.

"But I am warning you, if you keep this haughty and cool attitude, no girl will marry you," John said further.

"I don't care," Rudra muttered while tapping on the armrest of the sofa with his fingers. "I am not interested in marriage."

John paused and his eyeballs moved from left to right as he asked in suspicion, "Are you a... Gay?"

Rudra shifted his gaze at John. "No."

"Oh... Then you are afraid to get married. After all, soldiers don't have a private life." John tried to answer his own doubts.

Rudra didn't retort him and kept mum.

Silence lingered in the living room and only the soft noises of fork and spoon in John's hands could be heard now and then.

While Rudra was still thinking about his family, John suddenly gave him another hot news of the day,

"By the way, do you know that Ahmad Siddiqui has escaped from the Black Dolphin Prison?"