The Happy Dolphin

The dolphin's eyes widened in surprise and it started to swim upwards, wagging its tail furiously.

Soon, it reached the surface and started to go in the direction of the ship which looked like a tiny dot.

A whistle came again which sounded like a signal of danger from someone belonging to his family.

The dolphin squealed in return and started to swim towards the ship ahead.


Guanmin looked at Sarah in annoyance and displeasure while the latter kept shouting and whistling strangely.

But Aryan and the helmsman started to look at Sarah with stunned expressions on their faces.

They could understand that she was calling for someone.

It sounded like talking to a...

Their thoughts were interrupted by the same whistling sound coming from their behind. All of them turned and saw a giant black dolphin jumping in the air while holding a wooden box in its mouth.