Self-Proclaimed Demon

Special Operations Forces Headquarters, Delhi.

The atmosphere at the base was gloomy that day.

Three men were sitting in the office of Yashraj Singh including himself.

Two medical reports were lying on his office table and two men were sitting in front of him.

One of them was Dr. Jivan Shrivastav and the man sitting in the chair beside him was none other than Rudra himself, who had returned from London an hour ago.

He had washed away his disguise after arriving at the base and directly went to report Yashraj Singh without changing his clothes.

He couldn't even get the chance to report his mission's details because as soon as he entered his superior's office, he received two bad news.

The first news was about the ambush on the military vehicle and someone kidnapping Zoya Siddiqui while the other news was about his younger sister Sarah.