Moksha Chakra

Sarah took the advantage of Yama's inattentiveness and finally revealed her trump card.

In a flash, she vanished from his eyesight and stood behind him. Before Yama could manage to turn around to face her again, Sarah had already attacked his vital points.

Just like a magician performing a magic trick, she pressed several pressure points on his back and around the waist in a crisscross way, making him paralyzed below the waist within a few seconds.

The smile on Shuin Yuming's face disappeared after seeing Sarah's actions. A look of incredulity emerged on his snow-white face.

Other than him, another person whose smile had been faltered was Guanmin. She rushed ahead towards the wall and started to look down alarmingly.

Aryan followed after her. He placed his hands on the wall in front of him and started looking at defenseless Yama and Sarah who had finally attacked Yama after tricking him.