The Second Life And Death Challenge


Ceiyan and Rosyan returned to their places as the second life and death challenge was about to begin.

Rosyan secretly passed the bottle of herbal pills to Kemayun.

"Did you mix the pills in Sitara's drink?" He asked her in a lower voice.

Rosyan nodded her head slightly and looked at him with a suspicious gaze. "Brother Kemayun, what were those pills for?" She asked him warily.

The energy drink which they had given to Sarah was actually water mixed with sugar syrup and herbal pills given by Kemayun.

Kemayun hid the bottle in his pouch carefully while replying, "They help in increasing the immunity power. I will tell you everything later in detail."

Rosyan pursed her lips and turned to look at Ceiyan who was looking at the practice ground anxiously.

Kemayun glanced at Aryan and nodded his head at him, indicating that they had done the work.