Strong Willpower

With the point of the sword, Sarah picked a long torn piece of Shuin Yuming's clothes and bounced it in the air before catching it in her mouth. She then looked at Shuin Yuming and placed the point of the sword on his chest.

"Help me." She said in a muffled voice while getting closer to him.

Although Shuin Yuming had understood that she wanted him to tie the piece on her wound, he didn't move, nor did he take the piece of cloth from her mouth. "Only if you beg me, traitor." He said icily.

Sarah increased her pressure on the sword, causing its point to poke into his flesh. "Don't you want to gain your reputation back? Show your generosity to your people by helping your enemy." She threatened him.

Shuin Yuming clenched his teeth and endured the pain. The cut started to form a wound on his chest and soon, blood started to drench his royal dress.