Venom of Suzohaki

Shuin Yuming immediately stepped aside from her way and started to look at the blood droplets on his tattered clothes in shock.

Aryan instantly dashed forward to catch the falling girl who had fainted again.

He picked her up in his arms and turned to look at Yuhana.

"Take her to the hospital!" Yuhana said to him and held Shuin Yuming's hand. "Brother, come with me." She urged him.

Commander Sun suddenly came between them. "Your Highness, she is a traitor. She may affect other patients." He spoke while looking at Sarah in malevolence.

Shuin Yuming looked up at Commander Sun and nodded his head in agreement. "You have a point. I cannot allow you to take her there." He told Yuhana with his brows knitted together.

Yuhana stayed silent for a while as she glared at her husband. Tightening her hold around Shuin Yuming's wrist, she said indifferently, "You have to, elder brother. Because you owe her."