Sarah's Letter

As he recalled what Sarah had told him two days ago, Vikram's face turned pale. He felt his knees going weak and he reached out to hold the edges of the table for support. He reminded himself not to panic. But with every reminder, he started to panic even more.

How could he forget this important thing?

Does it meant Sarah has already left...

" This can't be true... This is so early!" He mumbled incoherently.

Pratap furrowed his brows when he saw Vikram acting strangely. He extended his hand to grab Vikram's arm and made him stand upright.

"What is the meaning of this?" He growled at Vikram while showing Sarah's Will to him. "What are you hiding from me?"

Vikram came out of his daze and stared at Pratap in confusion. "Sarah didn't tell you about the charges of treason on her?" He asked him in disbelief.