Sarah's Fated Partner

Rudra instantly let go of Lav when he heard Vikram shouting. He got up and went to Vikram first and others followed after him. All of them gathered around the table to watch the footage.

On the screen, they saw a man and a woman standing with Sarah inside of the elevator.

"Who is this man?" Rudra asked Vikram while staring at the man in a black outfit wearing a butterfly-shaped mask.

Vikram pursed his lips while he too looked at the mysterious man. It was his first time to see this man. Shifting uncomfortably in his place, he replied to Rudra with his eyes downcast, "He... He is the man who saved our Sarah on Friday night. Looks like, he is someone from Kontumbian Secret Service..."

Anant, Rahul, and Lav raised their brows in surprise when they heard what Vikram said.