2. Status

Michael stood up and dusted himself off. He realized he was wearing simple leather armor that mainly covered his torso and upper arms.

Michael was happy with Origin God's choice. After all, Danmachi was a world where people without identities just wondered into Orario. He could also become extremely strong.

Michael looked around and finally noticed the iconic tower that he had somehow been oblivious to, Babel.

God must have spawned him pretty close to Orario, another thing he was grateful for.

He finally decided to interact with the interface that's been flashing since he woke up.




Name: Michael

Lv: 1

Age: 11


Str: I 0

Vit: I 0

Dex: I o

Agi: I 0

Mag: I 0

Skills: [Adapt and improve], [The Eyes], [Battle Maniac] (what should I name the skill)

Development Ability: (Locked until level two) ([Martial Artist], [Swordsman])


Points: 0

[Adapt and improve]: Allows the body to continuously improve as long as the effort is put in.

[Battle Maniac]: Allows the individual to improve and grow stronger during battle. Increases confidence. Increases recklessness. Emotions may become unstable.

[The Eyes]: Allows the individual to wield different abilities related to their eyes.

Items: Food package, Manuals, Sword, Battle Gloves

Comment: Ridiculously weak. Questions? ]

Looking at his status, Michael couldn't help but feel his eyebrows twitch. 'Wasn't the last comment unnecessary!?'.

[It is the truth though.]

'So you're a talking system?'

[Not necessarily, only until you have figured out the features of the system. But don't worry, I'll hand over control to Great Sage and it should be able to interact with the interface after it has evolved enough ]

'I see...'

Michael just sat down and stared at the clouds until he let out a long sigh. He had always been alone and was a little too excited to have a companion to talk to.

'Well then you asked if I had any questions?'

[That is correct.]

'Then could you tell me where I am in the timeline?'

[Four years before Bell arrives in Orario.]

'How do I earn points?'

[By defeating or subduing enemies in battle or by simply killing them.]

'Why are those the options?'

[It was influenced by your choice in skills.]

'I see. Then do I have to do quests?'

[That is unnecessary, unless you wish to do them?]

'No thanks, I'd rather not.' Michael couldn't help but think of stories where characters where made into slaves by their systems. He wasn't willing to do anything that would make him gain attention. At least not yet.

'How would I switch between different eye abilities?'

[Simply think about switching the abilities and the system will do the the rest. However some eyes take more energy than others. Also some eyes have the same capabilities so you will be allowed to fuse those that have the same traits.]

'Do I get a starting gift?'

[You get your choice in one pair of for free. But I advice you to make a careful choice.]

'What do you mean?'

[Some eyes have more power than you body can currently withstand so you will immediately die upon activation. Other eyes are effective in the later stages and it wouldn't helpful to choose them now. Some may drive you to insanity.]

'Haaaaah... This is more complicated than I thought.'

[Also integrating eyes causes extreme pain so the system will automatically step up a sound barrier to cancel out your screams.]

'Why do you make it sound like a good thing?'


[Are those all of your questions?]

'Yes, thanks for that.'

[No problem. God has also included a food package since you are two days away from Orario. The package also includes the two types of growth weapons you would need as well their manuals and training equipment.]

'How long would the food package last me?'

[Should last a year.]

'I should really thank that God.' thought Michael to himself.

[Since I have completed my task I shall now disappear. Start training and hide in a tree. You wouldn't want get attacked during your sleep now would you.]

'You are very cheeky now aren't you, thank you for everything.'

[I hope you live your best life. You were brought here to enjoy it after all.]

[Goodbye :) ]



'Did it just show emotion? How interesting.'

Michael laid on the floor, watching the clouds float away without a destination.

'What do I really want to do?... ' Was all Michael thought before drifting for a short nap.