Karma instinctively swing his first towards the culprit's face before stopping centimeters away.
Looking at the smirking Chris who didn't react to nearly getting knocked out, Karma suddenly felt really irritated.
"Chris, could you please stop sneaking up on me every single time!?"
Chris replied with a bright smile that brought a twitching eyebrow to Karma's stoic face.
"But this is the way I can get a reaction out of you, so I have to try my best right?"
Karma took a deep breath to calm himself and asked a question before he cut this guy down. "Where's Cindy, we open up in a few minutes."
"I'm right here!"
Karma turned around to see a pouting Cindy. "Geez Karma, you didn't even notice that I'm here."
"Sorry, I was lost in my own thoughts. How long have you been here?"
"Hmm. Since about 15 minutes ago."
"I see, so you've been watching me for 15 minutes?"
"Well... I just thought you looked handsome." Cindy had whispered that part very quietly. But Karma still heard it, and unfortunately, so did Chris. He immediately laughed out loud and said "It seems like my sister is ready for marriage. Please take care of her."
"Dammit Chris, shut up!" said Cindy with a red face as she chased a laughing Chris around the Café. Karma sighed said as he flipped the sign for the store to open. He opened the door and retreated to the counter top. He was about to sit diwn until he heard Cindy greet someone.
" Welcome to Café Wishe."
Karma stood up and unfortunately had to do his job for the time being.
Karma had continued this lifestyle for over a month. After the first week Uncle Ray (Sam's father) had started giving him a salary, which he saved every Valis worth since he wanted to buy better armor. He had saved about 6000 and was ready to start his journey down the dungeon.
After his shift was over Karma immediately dashed out the café and started heading towards the Northeastern district. That was the Takemikazuchi Famila home was located. He wondered how he would instroduce himself to this natural gigolo.
As he continued walking he spotted a man leaving a shop. He looked like like a very common person from old Japan but rather more muscular. This person was non other than Takemikazuchi himself.
While Karma was curious as to why this God was leaving a shop around this time, he had immediately figured it out. Some gods aren't as wealthy as Freya and don't sit at home all day. He probably had to work a few hours to provide for his family, something Karma respected, but didn't really care about.
Karma immediately walked up Takemikazuchi and tapped him on the shoulder. Although the god was surprised, he still kept his calm and greeted Karma politely.
"Hello there, what business do have with me mister..."
"Hello Takemikazuchi sama. My name is Karma and I would like to join your Familia." said Karma in a 90 degree bow as he tried duplicating Japanese mannerisms.
Takemikazuchi immediately pulled him up "Please don't do that here, let's go talk somewhere else."
Karma did as the God said and raised his said and saw they were attracting quite a bit of attention. After Takemikazuchi led Karma to a small bar he started to question hin. "Why would you wish to join a Familia as poor as mine? You should our situation since you came to me first."
"It's because I would like to do more of a business transaction rather than permanently joining a Familia. I also heard that you are referred to as a Sword God, so I figured you could help me improve my skills."
Takemikazuchi was taken back by his immediate response, and even more so by his reasons.
"What does this so called transaction require?"
"I just need you to update my status board, maybe teach me some skills, but I need to you to vow to never reveal any of my skills unless you deem it absolutely necessary. In return, I'll give you most of my income except for the amount I need for armor and meals."
"Wait a minute, don't you need a sword?"
"I'll tell you that after you make your vow. So what do you say Takemikazuchi sama?"
Takemikazuchi was confused about what to say and had many questions to ask this boy, but knew he wouldn't get any answers if he didn't seal the deal.
"Very well then, but we to at least get back to my Familia. I can't exactly update your status bored here now can I?"
"Then please lead the way Takemikazuchi sama."