9. Commotion

Karma left dungeon feeling extremely disappointed. People who saw him thought he didn't find any monsters or had to run away considering his clean clothes. That was until they the bulging pouch to his side.

He didn't struggle with any battles even when the monsters started grouping up. He only got to the 4th floor and he had to leave since he hadn't made any preparations to stay overnight. Although he was disappointed, he was looking forward to 5th-7th floors. He wanted to fight the War Shadow and the Killer Ants.

Karma entered the guild and lined up in Misha's queue. When he got to the front he let out a smile.

"Hi Misha."

Misha had a blush on her face as she looked at Karma and responded in a more energetic voice "Good evening Karma."

The males adventures looking at this scene gritted their teeth, while the females wished they could switch places with her.

"What can I help you with?"

"Well I wanted to sell the monster cores I got today."

"Didn't you sign up as an adventurer just yesterday?"

"Well I got a little excited and headed out early this morning."

"I didn't expect that from you."

Karma had nothing to say as he scratched the back of his head. Misha giggled but moving on.

"So where are the cores?"

"Ahh...right here." said Karma as he dropped the pouch on the table. Misha was more than surprised with the amount of cores on the table, and so were the other adventurers.

"D-did you hunt these by yourself?"

"Of course."

"What level are you again?"

"Didn't you see my form yesterday? I'm only level one." said Karma with a hint of confusion.

"Please wait a second." said Misha as she ran into the back room. Karma was confused and just waited for her. He started to hear the whispers of the people around him and knew he had attracted attention. Although he didn't mind it, he was hoping that Freya wouldn't get word of this. That would be troublesome.

While Karma was in his thoughts he didn't notice someone approaching. That was until the man started speaking out loud. "Hey kid, why don't you tell the truth. There's no way you hunted all those monsters by yourself in a day."

Karma looked at this mob character who called him out and sighed. 'Just your typical buff but weak middle aged adventurer.' Karma immediately turned back around and waited for Misha to come back.

"Oi, dont ignore me you brat!" shouted the man as he approached Karma with his two comrades.

The other adventures cleared the way for him and wanted see what would happen. Karma ignored the side characters and was wandering what could be taking Misha so long. That was until he felt someone pulling on his collar. Karma turned and saw it was the same man with two other people.

"Didn't you hear what I said kid. Stop lying and fess up. You're wasting everyone's time." said the man as his comrades smirked. Karma was confused, why were these guys bothering him? Did he really seem so weak that this guy thought he was someone he could mess with?

Slowly that confusion faded, and was replaced cold rage as his pupils turned into slits. Before the man could say anything else, Karm gripped the man's face before picking him like a ragdoll and calmly walked outside.

The other adventurers were dumbfounded by the events before quickly following Karma outside to see what he would do. The man's two companions snapped out of the daze and followed the crowd outside. "You bastard. Put him down right now!" said comrade no. 1.

Karma turned to face him with a smile before answering "Sure." and gripped the man's face tighter before smashing his head into the floor. He then proceeded to smashing it again, and again, and again, until the man stopped struggling and passed out.

After that Karma straightened his back, dusted himself off and proceeded to enter the guild under the fearful gazes of the crowd. When he walked back in he saw that Misha was back but she was confused.

"Why is everyone outside?"

"Oh, there was something interesting happening but it's over now." said Karma with a smile.

"Oh ok. Well I was looking over the records and realized that you had broken the individual record for the biggest income on your first dive as a level one. Since you brought in 576 monster cores your total profit is 37440 Valis."

"I see, thank you for your service."

"It was no problem at all, see you next time?" said Misha with a small blush.

"Of course." said Karma with a small smile as he left the guild. Misha was confused when she saw the people outside making way for Karma but chose to ignore it.