15. Practice makes perfect (Ignore title)

Everyone apart from Takemikazuchi was confused. 'Wasn't this guy blind yesterday?' thought everyone to themselves.

Meanwhile "I knew he wasn't blind." said Ouka as he remembered Karma's comment from yesterday.

"Of course I'm not blind, it was just a side effect from my skill." said Karma.

"If the side effect is so great, why do you still use it?" the one who askesd this was Asuka. Karma didn't really know much about her since she was barely mentioned in the story.

"If it increases my chances of getting out of the dungeon alive, why shouldn't I use it?" Karma looked at this girl as if she was an idiot. He had already died once, he wasn't looking forward to it again.

Asuka who received Karma's look suddenly felt really embarrassed. She was just curious about it, but she didn't expect Karma to respond to her in such a manner. Ouka had to agree with Karma's words, as long as his Familia was safe, he would do anything to achieve it. He suddenly felt that Karma was a better person than he thought.

"Let me introduce myself again, my name is Kashima Ouka, the captain of the Takemikazuchi Familia. Over there is Takeshi (name doesn't matter), next to him is Zuko(again, doesn't matter). The two girls are Asuka and Yamato Mikoto."

"Nice to meet you Karma." said the two men while the girls just looked at him.

Meanwhile Karma was feeling a little awkward since Mikoto had been staring at him since she arrived. He knew what happened earlier was his fault, but he didn't how or when to apologize about such a thing. In the end, he decided to perform a tactical retreat.

"Well it's getting a little late, and I'm a little tired so I'm going to sleep. I bought you guys dinner. Goodnight." said Karma as he walked away.


Karma woke up early the next day and decided to practice his techniques in the courtyard. He wore one of his kimonos and summoned his sword. He found out that everyone was still asleep, much to his satisfaction since Cindy would always watch him practice. Shaking his head to get rid of unnecessary thoughts, Karma started his practice session.

Karma closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and began to use [Total Concentration: Thunder Breathing]. Concentrating all of his power on his legs, he got into the stance to perform [First Form: Thunderclap and Flash].

He loved the feeling he got whenever he used this technique, it felt like he could run across the world if he drew enough power, his upper body always felt so light in that moment (Total bull). He could feel a current running in his body, but it didn't feel big enough. He breathed out as the power around him amplified, leaving a small crater in the floor that woke up his Familia.

Small sparks started to appear around his body, as he took another breath in. The cracks in ground began to expand as the sparks around his body increased in frequency and in intensity. This was the limit he could do right now as he looked up at the targets the Takemikazuchi Familia use for practice. He breathed out as he readied to move "[First Form: Three Fold]" he said out loud as instantly appeared before the first target, cutting through it completely, and moved on to the next to repeat.

When he finally stopped he was panting as little as he looked at the damage caused to the dummies, just plain old decapitation. Over the years he had realized how much effort Zenitsu had to have put into the first form in order to create such a burst of speed. The speed that Zenitsu had reached was almost the same as a level 5 that specialized in speed in this world. (Again, making things up.) He believed he would be able to achieve this speed in due time, and he would eventually surpass it.

Karma then walked up to the one of the dummies before he laid his sword down. He was about to start practicing his martial arts before he felt like he was being watched. Karma turned to see the shocked faces of his whole Familia and couldn't help but blush a little when he realized they must have been watching him for a while.


(I can't write action scenes. Talk to me)