Karma panicked since he couldn't see anything. 'Great Sage, what's happening? Why can't I see anything?'
[You overloaded your eyes.]
'And what does that mean exactly!?'
[It means that you won't be able see until the damage is fully healed.]
'At least the damage is only temporary, how long will it take until I can see again?'
[One week.]
'One week without my eyesight is way too long, can't we speed it up?'
[One week.]
'... Fine. Great Sage, are my eyes opened or closed? I think that I can hear people around me.'
[They are open, but people will only see a black sclera.]
'Cool, is that like a defense mechanism from the system?'
[There has been no such feature in the past. This is from the overload.]
'I see, we're never doing that again.'
[A wise choice.]
"KARMA!" Karma turned his head to where the sound was coming. Too bad he couldn't see who was speaking.
"What wrong?"
"We've been trying to get your attention for the past few minutes, are you okay?" it sound like Takemikazuchi. "What wrong with your eyes?"
"I'm fine, but I need you to take care of me for the next week or so."
"This time, I'm really blind."
"Then you're anything but fine!" this time is Asuka's voice.
"How'd did you even become blind in the first place." asked Takeshi
"It's like that time I was wearing a blindfold. It just happened to be a side effect of my skill."
"Then why'd you use it when you were at home." asked Takemikazuchi
"Well... I just needed to."
"But wha-" before Zuko could finish asking his question, Mikoto cut him off. "Can you please give us some privacy?" asked Mikoto in a way that wasn't a question.
"Sure." said Takemikazuchi. He hadn't seen Mikoto like this before, but decided not to interfere.
"But I still want to-"
"Let's go Zuko." said Ouka as he lead his Familia out of Karma's room.
After about 15 minutes, Karma was tired of the awkward silence and was about to speak up when he Mikoto cut him off. "Do you know that I was the one who found you like this?"
"...No. "
"Do you know that I cleaned up your face after I found you?"
"Do you know that you were out for more than eight hours?"
"Do you know that I hadn't left your side since I came in?"
"Do you know how worried I was when I found you?"
"...Do you know that I can't stop thinking about you?"
"... "
"Lately, whenever my mind wonders , you're all I can think about. These feelings kept compounding before I even knew it. When I saw you today, I felt my heart ache. I felt a sense of loss that I haven't felt in long time. I was scared."
"Why do I feel like this?"
"I don't to need you to say anything. Please excuse me." said Mikoto as she closed the door behind her.
'Haaaah, what am I even supposed to do in this situation? I guess that's a no on using [(Vampire's?) Charm]. I can't imagine how I would deal other girls. Great Sage, can you help me develop the [Magic Sense] skill?'
[It won't be as effective since there aren't as many magic magicules (mana/falna? I don't know the correct term for danmachi.) in the air. You also won't be able to keep it active at all times due to your limited mana(magic/again falna?) Not only that, but you range will also be small.]
'That's still better than being completely blind. How long will it take to construct the skill?'
[Two days.]
'...Fine. Start the process.'
'It's going to be a long week.'
Talk to me people.
I wasn't going to write a chapter but I decided to do something
I might not be able to post for the next few days.
I'll still try to post though. But if i don't, it will only be until Tuesday.)