

You were stressing. Bad. But the best way to relieve your stress was best done...with others.  

The reason as to why you were stressing isn't because of your transfer to a different college. In fact, you don't even know why you're stressing. I mean, like. What the fuck? Maybe it's because.... yea no I don't know. 

Maybe you just have anxiety that you didn't know you had. 

Now since you were too busy admiring the concrete, you didn't notice the girl that was about run into you, from what it looks like, she doesn't notice either.

Boom. Books fall, you guys realize what happened. Laughed about it and apologized to each other. Picked each others books up and went on with your days.

But that's where this gets a little wonky.

She runs into you again, in a much more figurative sense this time. At least three times during the afternoon. Even though you didn't even have classes in the afternoon wtf

"Oh hey! its you again." She chuckles at this encounter.

You look up from your phone to face the girl again. "Dude, this must be a coincidence." you say with a surprised look on your face.

"I know right?! Like, we can't possibly bump into each other this much in one day and ignore that shit. Like, the fuck?! You know?" She asks you

Wow, she's a cusser. Wasn't expecting that. Umm, okaayy.

"Yes. I do" You answer back chuckling. This feels awkward. Very awkward. I think it's time to dismiss yourself now.  "Well-" you got cut off with a swift thrust of some other kid that was probably rushing to their class causing you to knock into the girl you were just talking to and make her books fall, again.

"I'm so sorry about that again! Oh my god!" you bend down to pick up her books.

"That's alright, AGAIN!" She laughs again.

While picking up her books and papers, you notice one falls out. oh, it's an exam paper. On, oh. your least favorite subject, but highest grade;  Communications. 

"oh, that's-" she quickly grabs the paper from your hands. She's blushing from embarrassment.

Must not be her favorite class either. huh.

"It's nothing to be embarrassed about, dude. I can help you, actually. Since right now I don't have any classes until 4. So," you offer.

"Ah, that's alright. I wouldn't want to be in debt to you anyway" she waves it off.

"You don't need to be in debt to me, I'm actually doing it for fun. I feel like I need to...refresh my memory of this class again, actually.  "

"Again? You've taken this course before?"

"hm? oh, yeah. I used to go to  a college in Namhae. I already took this class, but the damn credits didn't transfer."

"Oh, that's a shame. Can I ask why, you transferred? I mean, from Namhae to Seoul? Had to have a pretty big reason"

yea, actually. a very big reason. but sometimes, it's better to keep your mouth shut. And sometimes, it's better to mind your own business, right?


"So how about that tutor session? Huh? You don't need to be in debt to me. I'll do it for free and everything." The girl changes the subject quickly, leaving me dumbfounded. I think I hit a nerve there. Dammit.

"Oh, umm, sure. If you insist" 

Truth was, I really needed help with this stupid course. Like, REALLY needed help. 

She walks to the library, in search for an open table. She finds one in one of the corners of the library and I immediately set my things down on the floor and pull out my study book.

She raises an eyebrow before laughing.

"Let me get my things first too damn!" 

"Oh, right sorry" I let my hand drop down to my sides.

She laughs again, reaching into her bag to grab a pen and her notebook

"ok, do you have everything you need?"

"I'm pretty sure. I mean, I don't need anything else beside this" I pick up my study book.

She nods. Her hair falls onto he shoulders, leaving her neck exposed.

"That's a pretty tattoo, what's it say?" I ask her, pointing to the cloud with words in English and Korean.

"It translates to "it's better to be held, than holding on" and then, "we're in the rain" at the top." She touches her neck with a fond look in her eyes.

That's fuckin deep. She's clearly been through some shit, you can tell.  She snaps me out of my thoughts by asking me if I have any tattoos.

"I have one on my middle finger, actually." I put up my middle finger to show her. She laughs after seeing it.

"A smiley face saying fuck off. Nice" She chuckle some more.

It is a pretty funny tattoo, if I say so myself.

"Okay, so, in order for me to tutor you on this, I need to see where you're at" She holds her hand out for me to put my study book in it.

Her face screws up in confusion. "Where's your work book?"

OH! Wow, I'm kind of dumb. 

"Oh, sorry. I left it in my bag. I must've mistaken this one for it."

I hand it to her and she flips through it. She makes a face. A face that worries me a little.

"Am I that bad at it?" I asks

She shakes her head. "No, BUT! I do have a lot to teach and correct though." She grabs a red pen and starts crossing things out and putting little notes everywhere.

After a while, she pulls out her work book and puts it in front of me

"So, let's start the actual tutoring. Huh?"

I nod


She thanks me over and over again for my time and for tutoring her. She's just adorable.

"Hey! Even after all these hours, we never got each other's names." She runs back to me. 

Holy shit. She's right. 

"I'm Gray Choi" she shakes my hand gently

"Oh wow, I'm Cina Choi! We have the same surname! How funny" I say with a surprised look on my face.

"Hey, this is our first time meeting, right?" Gray asks, face trying not to crack into a smile.

Play along I guess.

"Yeah! How have you been?" wait, what the fuck?

That's it. She can't hold it in anymore. She absolutely loses it in the hallway. So loud, the librarian has to come out to hush her. She apologizes, of course, but damn ma, was it that funny?

"That's what you say when first meet someone!?" she asks wiping tears from her eyes.

"I mean, I don't really know. I've never had an encounter like that." I respond honestly.

"oh wow" she chuckles a bit. "I'll see you around, Choi Cina" she salutes and runs off to the stair case leading to the 3rd story. 

hm, wonder what's up there. 

Actually, it's none of my business. Then, I get that feeling again; a throbbing. Oh, my actual fuck. How perverted am I? How can I get turned on by her? She probably has a boyfriend. She looks straight to me, unfortunately.

I sigh in defeat and check  the time. It's pass 4 so I missed my last class of the day. I walk to my car with a fucking throbbing sensation in my pants, leaving me no choice but to go home and take care of this...


I was still laughing as I went up the stairs and into the labs for the bio students.

Man that was funny. I mean "Yeah! How have you been?" oh my god dude. When I tell you I was dying, I WAS dying. 

"What are you laughing about over there? I wanna laugh too" My boyfriend, Lucas, asks me smiling.

"O my god, dude, today, I met this girl, and she was so funny. The way we met was so funny too!"

"Really? Tell me!" He  asks me while flipping through his binder.

"Oh, well. For starters, we bumped into each other and my books fell, kind of like a movie. You know, so we pick them up and we apologize to each other and laugh it off. A one time occurrence, right?"

"Yeah" He chuckles

"Well, that was in the morning, but later on, in the afternoon, we bump into each other 3 more times! Not literally, but you know what I mean!"

"Like, you guys were at the same place at the same time?"

"Yea, exactly!" He smiles 

"okay, continue" he flips through some notebooks this time, a Science one.

"from then on, someone bumped into her and we dropped my books again! and that leads to her seeing one of my exam papers which was Communications, and she happened to have already took that class at her old school, but she has to retake it since the credits didn't transfer. So, when she saw my exam paper, she offered to tutor me in the library since it was her free time and-"

"wait you said she transferred, right?"

"yea, why?"

"from which school?"

"Namhae International University? Or, like a college? I don't know the specific school, but it was somewhere in Namehae."

"Oh, yeah, no I don't know her then." he shrugs it off and looks through another study book. This time AP Algebra. "sorry for interrupting again" he apologizes.

"no, it's okay. actually. What's up with you?" I ask him, feeling a little selfish about the fact that I haven't even asked him about his day yet.

"My day was okay, I took my math test and- man, where is it?" He says to me, 

"What are you looking for, I'll help you find it."

"My Medical exam papers. I'm supposed to take them tomorrow and I need to find the practice exam papers. I was listening, you didn't have to stop"

"But, I wanna know how your day was Lucas." I pout and he smiles at me, kissing my head and pulling me into a hug.

"Okay, I'll tell you everything that happened today then, yeah?" He looks at me with his big eyes, patting my head.

Dammit, he's going to trigger my head space if he keeps up with this.

"What's wrong? You look flustered." He smirks

Oh my god. What an asshole. The thought of what I want to happen right now makes me blush even more. Which doesn't help on my case. 

"What's wrong, babygirl?"


Sorry I cut it so short, I'm making this up as I go, but I also have an idea as to how the story MIGHT go? idk, it might (will) change in the future and I have been so unmotivated lately to the point where I cant even get out of bed lmao

But uh, here's the breakdown of what happened in the chapter.

1. You and Gray meet each other by an unusual way

2. You tutor her on a subject and after you guys finally get each others names

3. We get a new character in the story line so far; Lucas, which is Gray's boyfriend

also, have you tried putting milk with the TINIEST bit of vanilla creamer? or cream? like vanilla cream or creamer and milk was better than i expected. the story behind this was that i ran out of all of my flavored milk (choccie, strawberry, banana, almond etc.) so i was looking for a substitute. i'm not sure if it was a unhealthy choice, or a very unhealthy choice. but its whatever 

WHERE MY KOREAN AUSSIES AT??? it's actually very funny about how I write. on previous accounts, my close friends pointed out that I write with an American accent. I don't write "color" like "colour", or "favorite" like "Favourite". I guess it's because I grew up (well, not GREW UP, but I moved there at a very young age, 6 or 7) learning English in California. In San Jose, actually. It's a very big city near Oakland and Half Moon Bay. I'm currently residing in Los Angeles unfortunately. my family resides in Gyeongju-si, it's a small town with beautiful ponds. My family's backyard actually has a little pond in the back of the tree line. Very pretty. My dad's side of the family lives in Australia, in Geraldton. It's an under-populated city with a ton of water and beaches. The water is so clean there, too. If you're going on a trip to South Korea and/or Australia, I recommend the places I grew up! And if you're going to visit California, you should visit the San Jose SAP Center, LA's beaches, Monterey Peninsula, Half Moon Bay, and Crown Beach State Memorial Beach, it's in Oakland, right next to San Jose. 

bye bye lovelies? <33