God of Shadows

Wraith bowed slightly, laughing a bit and running his hand through his mop he called hair.

"Forgive me, sir. I was only speaking to myself. Might I ask why someone of your caliber is out here?"

"Mmm. Just wandering. I was aiding the new adventurers in town up until recently. I left after I sent a girl asking where her friend was towards her suited path."

Wraith frowned a little. He knew Eliza was the one that spoke to Roca last in the previous timeline, besides the one that did what he was about to do.

"Ah... I'd ask where my own path would have me sent, but it took me where I least desired it to."

Roca's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Your path is one that should bring you your best life. Where has yours led you, and why do you leave it behind?"

Wraith lifted his head, his eyes lifeless with the memories of his first two years in True Life roaming about.

"I was kidnapped by slavers. Lady Toria, Third Princess of the Nender Kingdom, saved my life. I'm greatly indebted to her, and I plan to meet her again when I grow stronger... but I don't even have a weapon anymore."

Roca eyed Wraith up and down. His wise gaze suddenly taking a lighter shade.

Wraith instantly knew he passed. Roca is the God of Shadows, his strongest asset being his ability to determine worth through the size of one's shadow. Not just any shadow, but the inner shadow. In the last timeline, Roca gave a powerful artifact to the player he deemed worthy of his support. That player... sold it. Wraith was baffled by this when he was finally freed and was able to see what the world was truly like.

Roca reached into his robe, his eyes still on Wraith.

"Young man, I feel a great future within you. I may not be much, and this may not help you, but I'd be glad if you would accept this artifact."

Wraith stared at the gleaming purple orb in Roca's palm. The purple glow almost seemed like a hazy mist within the orb.

Taking it from his hand, Wraith examined it.

'Artifact: Enlightened Orb (Tier 8 Divine Class Item)

-After level 15, this orb unlocks the Enlightened class, a supreme class amongst gauntlet fighters. This orb optimizes itself on use into your core, giving you the path of magic that best suites for fighting capabilities.'

With a deep bow, Wraith smiled towards the old god.

"I shall humbly accept this gift. Something so amazing shall definitely aid my future endeavors."

Placing it in his inventory, Wraith began to walk away... yet he was halted by a hand on his shoulder.

"You seem to truly know the worth of that orb. I'll make you a deal. That forest to the right of us, smash a tree with just your fist. If you can do this within... say two days, I'll gift you one more special item. The choice is yours, and I shall be watching you."

The hand vanished, leaving Wraith alone on the barren strip of dirt. He eyes the trees, his mind racing.

'A second gift?! The last guy sold the orb... he never knew it's true value! This is... so much better than I expected! But... I uh... am really fucking weak.'

Wraith flicked his wrist, his stats appearing before his eyes.

'Name: Wraith

Race: ---

Class: Adventurer

Level: 13

HP: 700

MP: 130

Str: 5

Dex: 5

Vit: 5

Int: 5

Spr: 5

Spd: 5

Lck: Max

Chr: Max

Free Points: 60'

'...Huh? They... how the hell did those two max out? I remember them being bottomed out for... well forever. It took my old race change to increase them, and even then it sucked. Whoever sent me back here... I think I love you.'

Unknown to him, three women were smiling and blushing to themselves at his confession.

"So... sixty. Enlightened needs heavy strength and intelligence since it's a magic gauntlet class, but higher speed it needed too. My vitality and spirit aren't seriously useful, especially since I can get armor that'll help me out later on. Dexterity... yea. Big bonuses. I'll do this..."

'Str: 5+16 (21)

Dex: 5+20 (25)

Vit: 5+2 (7)

Int: 5+10 (15)

Spr: 5+2 (7)

Spd: 5+10 (15)


After confirming, Wraith could feel his power growing. His muscles tightened, as did his hold on magic in the air. With a new air of confidence, he sped his way into the trees. The very first one loomed over his head as he neared it. The dark patchy bark was ready to be blown away.

Wraith placed his palm against it, his eyes lighting up as he reminisced the powerful combat abilities he once used. With a slow breath, he slammed pressure against the tree through his open palm. A small strip of smoke was visible between his fingers.

"Looks like I can use my previously learned abilities, though my skills are off the table."

A prompt appeared before his eyes...

'Learned Fist Proficiency, Level 1 (Tier 1 Passive Skill)

When using fist based weapons skill will grow. Cap is level 10.

+5% damage when using fist based weapons

+2% crit rate when using fist based weapons

+50% crit damage when using fist based weapons

+5 Spd when using fist based weapons'

"Well damn. Twenty speed just like that."

Wraith angled his body towards the tree, his fists ready to punch at a ten degree angle of the bark itself.

"Let's bust down a tree."

With a fist that left behind a slight afterimage, Wraith punched a chunk of the tree. A small dent was left in the side, barely big enough to hold a AAA battery in place. The slight smoke and darkened bark showed the speed with which Wraith used to strike the tree.

"Two days... Give me two hours."


With an annoyed expression, Eliza stared at Kale Nifren. His small beady eyes stared back, blankly accepting whatever transpired.

"You've really never seen Wraith? He's so cute even a lump like you'd go crazy... the heck happened to him?"

She pouted softly, biting her delicate nail as Kale finally stared into her eyes.

"If you're so crazy about him, get strong enough to support him. I'm here to help you, not to give you your answer. That man, Rocas, sent you here so that you could aim yourself towards the class you want. Once you're stronger, you can pick and choose what you'll be. You understand? Now, leave me be. You're to be a rogue type, otherwise you'd be sent elsewhere."

Eliza crossed her arms as she turned away from Kale.

'I wanna see Kain... lemme see his cute face again. I need to take my place at his side so we can take what we want again! Falling for him in the real world, then finding him in the beta... God I just want to hug him and squeeze him... and murder every single soul that defiles his presence with their trashy existence.'

Kale shifted away from Eliza, her expression making him more uncomfortable than he was prepared for.

Flicking her wrist, Eliza checked her stats.

'Name: Eliza

Race: Human

Class: Adventurer (Rogue Path)

Level: 4

HP: 250

MP: 40

Str: 10

Dex: 15

Vit: 10

Int: 12

Spr: 10

Spd: 18'

'I just wanna kill those bastards that hurt him... and make him take me. I'm his... he just doesn't know it yet.'

Unknown to her, Wraith already claimed her. Mind, body and soul.