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Izuku: "How lovely, being questioned by heroes."

Aizawa: "Tell us what the HECK was that thing."

Izuku: "Oh, you mean the Nomu? Just a project my boss assigned me."

Aizawa: "Who is your boss?"

Izuku: "Like I'd tell you. I might consider telling All Might though."

Aizawa: "Like we'd let you."

All Might: "That's enough. What do you want Izuku?"

Izuku: "I've told you I'm Deku! Everyone says Izuku or Midoryia but I don't know why!"

I know that they are referring to me. Yet I can't recall ever being called that....

All Might: "We'll be back."

Izuku: "Oh, do you think that is a good idea?"

All Might: "Shit."

A portal comes below me and next thing I know, I'm in the bar again.

Izuku: "Took you guys long enough."

Shigaraki: "I would've left your sorry ass if I knew I'd get attitude."

Izuku: "My bad, thank you Kurogiri."

Shigaraki: "Hey!"

All for One: "Now boys, get along."

Shigaraki and Deku: "Hmph."

All for One: "Deku I need you to check on the Nomus at once."

Deku: "Yes sir!"

I grab my hoodie and head out to the factory. I wonder why he sent me so urgently.


Shigaraki: "Is something wrong with the Nomus?"

All for One: "Not at all. Deku is just—very opinionated. I have recruited two more people. You may come in!"

I turn towards the door and see the two walk in.

Toga: "I am Toga Himiko."

Dabi: "I'm going by Dabi at the moment."

Shigaraki: "What do you mean at the moment? What's your name?!"

Dabi: "I told you I'm going by Dabi."

Shigaraki: "Why you—"

All for One: "That's enough. Shigaraki."

Shigaraki: "Hmph."

All for One: "I want them and the other members to form the Vanguard Action Squad."

Toga: "Will do sir!"

Dabi: "Whatever."


Nothing seems to be going wrong with the Nomus. I wonder why I was sent away. I used my telepathy to connect with Kurogiri.

Deku: 'What's going on?'

Kurogiri: 'Nothing you need to worry about.'

He's lying.

Deku: 'Are you sure?'


I suddenly see Kurogiri fall to his knees.

All for One: "That boy...."

Shigaraki: "Kurogiri?"

All for One: "Just tell him. There's no use hiding it if he's going to force it out."


Kurogiri: 'We got new people and with them and the rest of the members they'll be making the Vanguard Action Squad!'

I see....

Deku: 'Can't wait for our first mission.'

Kurogiri: 'You're...you're not part of it....Deku.'

I grit my teeth and leave Kurogiri alone. Who do they think I am!? I may not be the leader but I am still a nutorihos villain. I will make them pay—I will make all of them pay!


Shigaraki: "Was it necessary to upset him? You know how he gets."

All for One: "You are my sucesor. Not him. He is just pawn."

Toga: "He sounds cool already. Glad he's on our team."

All for One: "Either way. I have a mission for the V.A.S."

Shigaraki: "We're all ears sir.