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I can't believe it. They still let me hang around. It's been a week. All I've been allowed to do for the group is do hero analysis and take care of the Nomus. I guess I screwed up big time. You'd think he would have bonded with me more than with hand job over there. I for one, have a goal in mind.

Deku: *sigh*

Oh well, time to go check in the Nomus. I always go in the cover of the night. As I'm about to leave I hear the Vanguard Action Squad. I stay still and stay as quiet as possible.

Shigaraki: "Remember the boss really wants Katsuki Bakugou. Capture any other student you think is strong. Got it?"

Toga: "Sure thing!"

Dabi: "Whatever."

I can hear Kurogiri open a portal and with that. They're gone. I begin my tracks again to get to the Nomus.

Shigaraki: "Hey."

I turn around. Staring him down in the process.

Shigaraki: "All for One told me to tell you to stay out of the way. Otherwise."

Deku: "Pshhh. Like I'm a threat. I'm quirkless. Or have you forgotten."

With that said, I make my way to the factory.


Shigaraki: "Wakey wakey Katsuki Bakugou."

I open my eyes and I'm in some type of bar. Wait, these are the league of villains!

Katsuki: "OI! Where's Deku?!"

Shigaraki: "He's out on business. He has no right to have contact with you either way."

Katsuki: "Tch!"

Shigaraki: "Now now. That's no way to treat your future comrades."

What does he mean?

Shigaraki: "I, Shigaraki, the leader of the league of villains invite you to join us."

Katsuki: "Like hell I would. I'm going to be a hero. The #1 hero!"

Shigaraki: "You didn't seem like a hero to me. Your attitude would be more suited to become a villain. Now why don't you joi—"


Deku: *sigh* "I should just quit the league of villains..."

As I start approaching the factory I notice some people looking through it. Those are UA students. It's a good thing I wear a mask when I'm out with the league of villains. Otherwise they would know I'm with them. I start slowing my pace and sneak close to them. That's when the building explodes. THE NOMUS! I stop myself before I started running. If they see me they will remember me as the enemy.... Fuck it! I start dashing towards the factory. That's when I see

Deku: "All for One...."

I couldn't believe what I saw. All for One fighting All Might. Trying to protect.....Kacchan?! Why.....wait! The UA students. I take my backpack off of me and change in an alley. If they think I'm against the league of villains they would trust me more. Either way, we both benefit from my plan. I'm going to give them Kacchan.

3rd person

Deku began to run to the group of UA students.

Deku: "Well well well, if it isn't Yaoyorozu, Todoroki, Iida, and Kirishima. UA students correct?"

Kirishima: "Who are yo—wait. You're with the league of villains!"

Deku: "Great observation. Unlike them I don't want Kacchan in our group."

Kirishima: "You mean Bakugou?"

Deku: "Of course. Who else?"

Kirishima: "How?"

Kirishima looks over on the battlefield. Bakugou clearly was trying to get away from the rest of the villains. While All Might fought All for One.

Deku: "Don't you worry."

He huddled the group together and explained his plan.

Iida: "That could work..."

Deku: "What do you mean 'could work', it will. So get ready."

Deku jumped the wall and ran over to the league of villains.

Toga: "Where were you?!"

Deku: "On my way to check the Nomus when I see this. I don't have a quirk! Just let me deal with this."

With that they all backed away. Shigaraki was about to argue with Deku, but kept it to himself.

Deku: "Well hello Kacchan. Nice to see you."

Bakugou: "Shitty Deku....What the hell are you doing with these low lives!?"

Deku: "I already told you. So no need to repeat myself."

Bakugou took a fighting stance. Deku knew exactly what to do.

Deku: "You don't know the full extent of my quirk Katsuki. So I recommend you don't."

With that Bakugou was venerable. Once Deku noticed he ran towards him and grabbed him by his shirt.

Bakugou: "Why you—!"

Deku: "NOW!"

With that Yaoyorozu, Iida, and Kirishima burst through the wall. Yaoyorozu making a jet pack and Iida using his quirk, propelled themselves with Kirishima using his quirk to break the wall. Deku threw Bakugou towards Kirishima.

Deku: "See you soon, Kacchan."

Todoroki made a ramp sending the group flying while he fled the scene.


Well that solves my little problem. I then felt a hand grabbing my shirt.


I looked around and saw the whole group looking at me in disbelief.

Deku: "Hehe...aha ha ha ha.....AHA HA HA HA!"

Shigaraki stared me down. All of sudden we all started moving towards Toga.

All for One: "Shigaraki, don't disappoint me."

Shigaraki: "Wait! Master!"

We all then went through a portal. We end up in an abandoned building. I stood up and fixed myself. As everyone stood up, Shigaraki lunges at me.

Shigaraki: "You piece of sh—DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOUVE DONE?!"

Deku: "I know. So if you'll excuse me. I'm going off on my own. You guys have nothing to offer me anymore. I mean, you're basically a child with no goal of your own. Who would want to follow that."

I pushed him off of me and walked out. I could feel a smile grow on my face. I'll make them see, I. Am the leader.



Kirishima: "It was my plan Bakubro. I couldn't let them take you. I—we, had to do something."

Fucking shitty hair.

Bakugou: "Thanks..."

Everyone stared at me.

Bakugou: "What! You didn't want me to thank you guys!"

Yaoyorozu: "Its not that. We just didn't know you'd actually thank us."

Bakugou: "Why wouldn't I? You guys did risk your necks with that stunt."

Kirishima: "Well we had help from that villain...."


Kirishima: "I honestly think he isn't that bad. I wonder what happened to him to make him become a villain."

I know...

Kirishima: "Bakubro?"

Bakugou: "Don't worry about it."

At least not yet.