Chapter Fifty-Nine: Rain (The Finale Battle Part Seven)

(Levi's POV)

LuLu and I exchanged blow after blow, each of us getting in a few good hits as I jumped back trying to catch my breath. "You're a vile human being." I spat as she smirked, looking more tired then I did. "I could say the same thing about you, Captain Levi. You kill when it suits you. You're no better then I am." She stated as I clenched my fists. Images of Emi's gentle, beautiful smile flashed in my mind as I lunged towards her again. "I WOULD NEVER BETRAY THAT SMILE!" I screamed as my blade met her stomach, finally going through. She coughed up a large amount of blood as she fell to her knees.

"This is the end of the line for you, Traitor." I growled as LuLu looked over towards the tree, an evil grin formed on her lips as blood poured out of her mouth. "I-I could s-say the same for you.." LuLu muttered as she finally took her last breath. I followed her gaze to the base of the Spirit Tree, where Emi stood, staring at me in disbelief. "Emi.." I muttered as I let go of the handle of my blade. I had never seen that empty look on Emi's face before and it began to send fear throughout me.

"Emi, baby.." I sighed a breath of relief as I finally made it over to her, pulling her into a big hug. She pushed me away as soon as I made contact, causing me to stumble back a bit. "Don't fucking touch me." She muttered as the sky turned an ugly shade of grey. I grabbed her wrist as I turned her towards me. "Emi, if this is about LuLu I can explain. She was the traitor. She was the one that attacked us on our way here." I explained as she pulled her wrist out of my grip. "I'm done..with this.." She muttered as she began walking away from me.

"Kami? Is that you instead of Emi?" I asked, confused as to why she was acting like this. Emi stopped in her tracks as the sky began to let down a light rain. "KAMI IS GONE LEVI! SHES FUCKING GONE! I LOST BOTH OF MY FRIENDS TODAY LEVI THIS ISN'T A FUCKING WIN!" She screamed in anger as my eyes widened at the news.

"Emi..I didn't know about Kami..I'm sorry." I muttered as tears streamed down her face. "She's gone Levi..." Emi began to shake as I quickly walked over to her and pulled her into my arms. She fought against my grasp but failed after a few moments. "Shhh..Emi, let it out.." I whispered as she finally wrapped her arms around my neck and sobbed. I closed my eyes and winced, the sounds of her sobs literally breaking my heart.

Hange, Mikasa, Eren and Armin arrived a few moments later as they saw Emi and I. I held my hand out to them, instructing them to give us a moment. "Let's get you home..." I whispered as she weakly nodded. "Levi..please never leave me..." she muttered as I smiled softly and tipped her chin to look at me. "Never in a million years Emi, I'm going to make you the happiest woman ever." I stated as she took a deep breath and nodded. She grabbed my hand as we walked over to the group.

"I saw Erwin head into the Tree, what happened?" Mikasa asked as Emi sighed. Eren and Armin loaded the horses as Hange and Mikasa hugged Emi hard. "It's okay not to be okay." Hange spoke softly as Emi nodded. Armin handed me the black leather reigns of my horse as I walked over to Emi.

"Come on darling, you can ride with me." I stated as Emi looked at me, and then back at the tree for a few moments. "Thank you Kami...for everything.." Emi stated as I helped her on to my horse and climbed on myself. "Let's go, we have a whole life to build." I whispered in Emi's ear as she smiled slightly and nodded. We instructed our horses to leave, The Spirit Tree and the battle finally behind us.