Chapter 4: The Crown Prince and the Little Witch

The man in red was the crown prince of the country, Long Qi.

He was known all over the country as a talented prince who could be ruthless and kind at the same time. Other than having a face so mesmerizing it could blind anyone, the people knew Prince Long Qi as someone who did not like the company of woman, unlike the rest of the princes in the imperial palace.

Since he was so clean, many suspected him of liking the same gender. Nobody said it out loud, but people seemed to have the understanding given how the crown prince was not interested in any female despite being 20 years old this year.

The other princes would get married and have a concubine or two in their mansion except for the crown prince. So, it was not hard for the rumours to circulate among the peasant regarding the crown prince's sexuality.

After the banquet in the garden, Long Qi wanted to excuse himself, but before he could say it out loud, he heard voices coming in from the other side of the wall.

"Third Miss, don't walk too fast. It's dark. Let this servant hold you. You should stride along the way." Long Qi could hear a voice which sounded as if it belonged to a teenage girl.

"Don't worry. I can walk by myself. Having you to hold me will not help me to walk. It will hinder our movement. Both of us will slow down." Another voice belonged to a young girl could be heard.

The crown prince decided not to pay attention to the conversation, but then his attention was caught when he heard,

".. It would be better if I have a hoody. Such thin material is not suitable to be worn in this temperature. This fabric looks like someone bought it cheaply online. We need to get back to my room before I get hypothermia. I'm freezing right now. Hurry up now Xiao Ting." Said the girl.

Long Qi froze upon hearing the word from the girl at the other side of the wall.

Long Qi snapped his finger, and after a few moments, a guard who came out of nowhere was beside him. Long Qi whispered something towards the guard. The guard bowed towards Long Qi and stepped back three steps before vanishing into the air.

Long Qi excused himself, and the other guests stood up and nodded in acknowledgement towards the crown prince.

He did not go back straight to his resident as Long Qi was waiting in a carriage outside the General's resident. Since the carriage he used was not the official carriage of the crown prince, nobody suspected that it was the crown prince himself who reside inside the humble-looking carriage.

After a few minutes of waiting, Long Qi heard a knock outside the window of the carriage.

"Speak." Long Qi said with a hint of impatience.

"The owner of the voices are the Third Miss of the Bai household and her maid, Xiao Ting." The guard vanished once again after Long Qi permitted him to do so.

Long Qi's lips curled up. "Found you, little witch."


Meanwhile, in a small courtyard, Lily sneezed and thought that someone must be talking about her.

Xiao Ting was out to prepare the medicine in the kitchen. Since she was alone in the room, she took the time to look around the room.

As expected of an unfavoured daughter. Everything in the room looked shabby. Even the bedroom had only the necessary things inside; a bed, a table, a chair and an ugly looking teapot and teacup.

Life is truly not fair to some people during the ancient time. Being born to the same father but the difference in status and treatment of the favoured daughter and the poor Bai He was like heaven and earth.

Lily was grateful that she was born in the modern era where her parents treated her and her siblings the same.

The light from the candle flickered in the room, and the darkness seemed to suffocate Lily.

She opened the window to let the air into the room but who thought that when she opened it wide, a sight of a red robe hanging from the large plum tree just outside the window greeted her.

"Mommy, it's a ghost!!" Lily was shocked, and terror began to fill her heart. She tried to close the window, but a paper fan blocked it from closing completely. Lily shouted in fear, but due to the isolated location of the courtyard and also the absence of guard in the courtyard, nobody came to her rescue.

Lily ran towards the bed and dived into it while covering herself with the blanket. She could not help thinking about how she was so unfortunate when she came into this world.

First, she transmigrated in the body of Bai He who was unfavoured by her father and being bullied by her half-sister. Then, she did not have the original memory of the body she was occupying. And now, a ghost in red robe appeared out of nowhere.


A thought came into Lily's mind. The ghosts she read in books and novels were mostly using white, and a demon usually used the red robe. Did she transmigrate into a world with cultivators and demons?

Lily lifted the blanket to see whether the demon in red came into her room. True enough, the demon came in, and now he was sitting on the chair while pouring himself a tea.

"You don't take a long time to overcome your fear. I'm impressed." The man sipped the tea, but his face did not show any sign of him being impressed.

Seeing that the red demon was sipping his tea comfortably as if making the room his own, Lily felt a bit braver. She uncovered herself from the blanket and walked warily towards the demon.

A demon does not merely kill people, right? At least that is what Lily learned from novels and stories. At least, the demon will make a deal with her and then request for her soul in exchange.

When Lily took a closer look to the demon, she found out that the demon looked precisely like a normal man, a normal human being. He looked even more good looking that most of the people Lily met in the modern world.

But demons are supposed to be good looking. That is how they seduced people to sin or make a pact with the devil – because nobody will deal with an ugly and scary-looking creature as a normal human being will run away from anything scary.

Lily walked towards the demon and stood five steps away from the demon.

"Who are you? Why are you here sipping tea like you own this room? Are you haunting this room?" Lily looked at the demon warily.

The man in red, who turned out to be Long Qi, smirked and put down the teacup on the table. "You don't seem to know me. Why is that?"

Lily was not sure if Bai He was supposed to know the man in red. She lamented inside her heart of why she did not have all the memories of the original host. "Well, just now, the doctor said that I hit my head, and something is wrong with my brain so I cannot remember things from before."

"Like amnesia?" The smile on Long Qi's face became more dangerous.

"Yup, like amnesia." Then Lily covered her mouth, but it was too late. The ancient time was not as developed as the modern world. Lily was pretty sure that they did not have the term amnesia here.

The man had a weird smirk on his face. She had a bad feeling about it.

"Who are you?" Lily stepped back in fear.

"I don't think that I would be so lucky to find you right after I come into this world, little witch. We have a lot to talk about." Long Qi stood up and walked towards Lily. "Honestly, I don't mind living as Long Qi. After all, this body is the crown prince and the future ruler of this county, but would you be willing to live your whole life as the pathetic Bai He, the Third Miss of the General residence?"

When Lily heard that, she stopped stepping back. She looked left, right and behind her. Nobody else was in the room but the man in red mention little witch. So, this world has witch too?

"Where is the little witch?" Looking left, right and behind in confusion, Lily asked the man in red.

Long Qi's lips twitched. "Do you want to go home or not? Do you want to live here for the rest of your life?"

Of course, Lily was unwilling to live a pitiful life like that. She wanted to go back to her own and run her own business. Then, Lily wanted to find a boyfriend and get married. After that, she wanted to live a long life and eat good food.

"Are you from the modern world too? How can we go back to our world?" Lily grabbed the sleeve of the man. "I am not suited to live in the ancient time. I still want to eat Pizza and drink bubble tea. You must help me, mister demon."

Lily looked at the man in front of her with a hopeful look.

Mister demon? This was the first he was called a demon.

"Luther. That's my name, little witch." Long Qi or Luther, the man occupying the body of the crown prince, introduced himself. Then suddenly, he looked towards the door as if he heard something. "Someone is coming. I'll come here tomorrow. Don't go anywhere, wait for me."

Then after saying all that, Luther flew out from the window.


When Xiao Ting came into the room, she saw that her Third Miss was staring towards the direction of the window. She put down the bowl of medicine on the table before she went and closed the window as she was afraid that her Third Miss would feel cold because of the cold air from outside.

"Third Miss, please drink this medicine." Xiao Ting came towards Lily and helped her to the seat. Then she took the bowl and blew on it before she brought it towards the Third Miss. "Drink this medicine slowly."

Lily was still amazed by how the Luther guy just flew out of the window. She watched the Chinese drama all the time of how the actor passed here and there while fighting each other. She never expects that she gets to see it with her own eyes.

But why window, though? Can't they walkout by using the door?

Then the super hearing Luther has. He seemed to hear the thing that Lily could not here. That would be a useful talent or skill to have in the modern world.

This world is truly magical. Lily thought that maybe she should stay here for a few days to experience all the novel-worthy action before she went back to her modern world. After that, Lily gulped the bitter medicine and went to sleep.

People said that we should be careful of what we wished for, and Lily did not know that the thing that crossed her mind will come true.