I woke up a little late today, it was a bit of stress full for me after yesterday, after my talk with haby I guess I know what it fells like to be far away from home, I guess I know what it fells like to be without a past, but the two are just so different from each other.

But still I could remember vividly when I moved out from my parents house, I had no life no friends, and nobody. Every one I knew where close to my parents one way or the other and I just did not want to go back I kinda liked being in a new place and environment, and for sure you should have known that I was determined.

Ever since I have had no friends, and I am happy about that, I fell relived to know that I am doing fine without parents help and assistance, you know I have come crossed different peoples of different tribes and heritage, different religions, and cultural background which are not so different from one another.

You know we human are not so different from one another as we have always claimed for it to be, we are some worth alike with the person next to us even if we always like to deny it, we are one specie after all.

Today was as normal as any other day as usual I did my daily routines, I prayed, bath and I got ready for work as usual. But what made today different was that I ate before going to work and that made me heavy, I usually ate on rear occasions as I find cooking stressful and hared, and this was one of those days.

I was at work by 7:20am I was early even if it was not a usual but still I was early as work starts eight Am sharp, and I was there before the time today.

I was inspecting the newspapers that were printed and already distributed to different parts of the country, mostly we report news in our domain which was Abuja, but rear news of important events that happen in different states we do go for filming and that's why the company has different Branch in the six geopolitical zones of the country, even if there hardly report any news.

Today was a Saturday, so my intern will not be coming to the office today "thank God" I am tired of the way she talks, always trying to involve me in one of those conversions of hers, why don't women get a clue, why do they always tall, can't women just shut up?, exactly this Habiba she keeps talking and talking.

Don't get me wrong I do love and cherish her I like her childish attitude, but no I just don't like to be involved in long conversation and I have to let her know on Monday, oh well just forget it I don't want to break her tiny heart.

Today was one of those days that we do a company meeting, let me give you a recap on this month's double weekly meeting.

Week one:

          Sunday; I was given the post of                        Chief author.

       Wednesday: no meeting conducted.

That's all as this is the second week of the month, it was last month I was promoted as chief journalist and I have even forgotten all about that, how life changes.

I went to the hall, and I was surprised by the number of staffs I saw that were more than twelve, and there I was thinking I will come late.

I sat down on the chair of the chief author's chair which was my new post. Not only that, but I was next in line after the boss. Likewise, I was promoted the Wednesday after the incident, toy know "the kissing scene".

Well glory be to God that it happened cos ever since I was given the post, the job is less stressful, and it is a heck of a salary, The pay is wonderful, if the company keeps it up like this I might end up having my very own car by the end of the year.

" Morning you all"

"Morning ma" the hall said in chorus

"Well, I got to admit you all tried as most of you worked hard to keep your job"

There was a period of silence before she continued.

"I want to thank you all for not snapping at me, cos that will also make you lose your job, well anything stupid you do will actually make you lose your job, soon"

Seems like she had nothing to say, actually she always had nothing to say, she just beats on the Bush and is always never true.

She always called for a meeting and acted so tough but deep down to know that she is only empty, an empty can and that's why she makes the loudest noise.

She was by worming and talking but o could only hear her blabbing, that's what she those with clients and so, I am tired of all this, and it has to start to really piss me off.

"Ring ring"

The phone that was beside me started ringing, of was not my personal phone, it was the office phone. But why was it ringing.

"Pick it up" the boss lady said

"Hello..... Hello?"

"Hello please is this NNB news station"

"Yes, and who am I speaking with?" I carried my pen and was ready to write anything the woman at the other end of the telephone was ready to say.

"That's not important, but what is that a man was killed in front of a bar, that very bar that two girls died after there were drugged by unknown gunmen, the man was also poisoned by a strong acid as the liquid he was given poured on a chair and melted it"

"Good, thanks for the information we will be right there"

"Your welcome"

I dropped the phone and very body was so interested in the conversion and what happened that side talk started.

"Are those side talks I hear?"

She asked as the hall started getting quite and quiet and more quiet.

"Good, this meeting is dismissed"

As usual, she called for a meeting, and she says nothing, nothing she says nothing.

"So what did their say?" She asked

"The woman on the phone said that a man was killed in front of a bar, that very bar that two girls died after there were drugged by unknown gunmen, the man was also poisoned by a strong acid as the liquid he was given poured on a chair and melted it, that was all she said"

"Nice, but you know Muhammad that we can't publish that news"

"Yes ma, noted"

"Well, you know how things work here, the bad news go to the bin and the good news go to the press, you know that right, so I don't have to remind you about it"

"Yes ma"

I had the nerves to slap this woman, but if I did I will have obvious loss my job instantly. But why is she that cruel?, so wicked ?, how can a person always be the bossy, can a person want to ruin every life around her.

The day was quick s usual and turns out the only fun I have is in my work place, apart from that I did not have a life, and I will try to have one very soon.