3rd of June (the day Habiba was kidnapped) + she does not remember.

I was running for almost an thirty minutes as I ran all the way to the express that was closest to our house, I tried to get someone to help me but no one looked like there were interested to know why I was running without shoe's and why I was panting like this.

I tried talking too few people to give me some money so that I could enter a cab, but everyone gave me a deaf ear, as they looked at me as if I was lying, so I ran into the highway and stood at the middle, but today was not a busy day as only few cars passed, and they all tried to man over and not hit me, but luckily a car stopped for me, the car was a bran new one and it looked really expensive, and I could not tell, what model of what it was, but it was a new car I believe, or it was bought recently.