I opened it and began to read it slowly in my mind "Dear Habiba, if you are reading this then I am in heaven with God or in hell with the devil for all the bad things that I have done to you and your sister, I know I still owe you a lot of explanations but please allow my souls to rest in peace an leave me alone okay let me bear the heavy cross on my shoulders" I paused what did she mean by I had a sister, which sister?

"Habiba, you are a very nice girl and I want you to know that you have always been nice to me, I can still remember when I meet you years ago you were a promising young child and look at you now a wonderful adult that you are, I want you to know that Maryam is safe with your parents in Lagos and when you get there some men would direct you there" I paused again, I am so happy finally I am going to meet maryam, I am so very happy.