Jessica's P.O.V
After searching the fridge for some ice- cream; I sat around the island table looking at some old pictures in my phone of when I was growing up. All the birthdays that I had. Those times when I had my parents by my side. And as soon as something happens that they don' t like; they throw you aside and instead of building you back up and being their to support you; they choose to stay away and let you walk the journey by yourself. " Hey", I heard someone say. I looked up at the person. It was Jason. " Hey, you don' t mind if I take some of your ice- cream do you?", I asked. " No, it was placed there for you. I knew you were coming and I still know your favorite ice- cream flavor", he said taking an apple from the fridge. I looked at him surprised. " You remembered that?", I asked smiling. " Yeah, I haven't forgotten anything. And are you sure you're ok?", he asked closing the refrigerator. I shook my head lying. He laughed. "Liar, I know when you're lying Jess. Let me guess. You' re thinking about your parents?", he asked taking a seat. I folded my lips looking guilty.