Day 1-Wedding Part 1

After waking up and seeing Li Su Ming's parents and Li Fei Fei, the new Li Su Ming suddenly cried. She told them she was sorry and that she doesn't want to marry Feng Meng Hao anymore. Her mother quickly sat down and hugged her as she tried to console her.

After shedding buckets of her crocodile tears, Ye Su Su finally got everyone convinced she did not want to marry him no more. Li Fei Fei also agreed to marry him. And just like that, her life as a happy pampered young miss began. Or so she thought...

Su Su had only lived in this time for three days but she enjoyed it. If she could, she would never leave. She hated her old life. She had no friends, no family and struggled endlessly. Here she was able to roam around and eat whatever her heart desired.

Who knew on the third day since she arrived, something bad would happen the day right before the two main lead's wedding. Li Fei Fei actually tripped on her skirt, fell into the pond and fell unconscious. Su Su cursed these ancient dresses. They were indeed too deadly.

The doctor had told them he didn't know when Li Fei Fei would wake up. The horror on Su Ming's face when she heard that was terrifying. She looked at her dad and asked him what they were supposed to do, the wedding was tomorrow.

All day, Li Su Ming paced back and forth as she waited for her father to return from seeing the emperor. When he arrived, the bad news had arrived. She didn't think the heavens could be this cruel to her. The emperor wanted to proceed with this wedding as there were too many important guests that had already arrived. He also did not know Feng Meng Hao had already fancied Li Fei Fei. If he knew, he may have stopped the wedding for a few days.

Turns out, Su Su was not able to change the fate of Li Su Ming. In the end, she was the one sitting in the bridal chamber.

DAY 1-Wedding

Li Su Ming dressed in her bright red wedding gown could not stop fidgeting with her fingers. "He's surely going to kill me." She spoke in her mind. Then she shook her head. "Su Ming, stop being stupid and calm down. He won't kill you." Then she paused her thinking. "Or will he…." She could feel the sweat beads forming on her head.

Her body stiffened. She heard the happy chatters of young men. Then her door swung open. She could only hear the men saying "goodnight", "don't be too rough" and "enjoy your night" to Feng Meng Hao. He half drunkenly shooed them all away and closed the door.

Through her veil, she could see his boots coming closer inch by inch and her heart slowly died little by little. "Li Su Ming, you are done for." She bit her bottom lips nervously.

Her heart almost jumped when he sat next to her. She quickly scooted away. "Fei Fei, are you shy now?" He gently teased when he saw the little action of hers.

"Shit! Mother of all oranges, please watch over me. Don't let me die. Or if I die, please let me be reborn as a rich man with 3 buildings." Li Su Ming stopped her praying for a moment. "I take that back. I want 10 buildings." She mentally spoke.

"Fei Fei?" He asked again.

Playing along she nodded yes. She could only hear his soft chuckle. "Fei Fei, did you know how happy I was when I found out you were the young Miss Li." He spoke.

Li Su Ming stayed still not speaking. She wasn't even sure she was breathing to be honest. Feng Meng Hao sensed something was off. He suddenly asked her if she was feeling okay. She quickly lifted her hand to make the "ok" sign. Feng Meng Hao only looked at her confused. She was too flustered to realize her sign was only something the 20th century knew. Of course he wouldn't know the sign for "ok".

Thinking she was just shy, he walked over to the nuptial wine on the table and she sighed a breath a relief. She couldn't believe she missed the perfect opportunity to put sleeping powder in his wine. That would have saved her a lot of trouble tonight. But then again, she didn't even have sleeping powder to begin with, so that was a plan predestined to fail from the beginning.

He once again sat next to her as he handed her the small wine cup. She took it which was a mistake. His hand was now free. He reached to lift her veil but Li Su Ming quickly turned away. Her first thought was, he was a sly fox trying to trick her into holding the wine so he could lift that veil. She was proud of herself for dodging that trick.

"My lord, I am too embarrassed. Why don't you rest somewhere else tonight." She grabbed him by the arm and forced him to stand up. Feng Meng Hao let her do as she pleased. Thinking she was going to get her way today, she confidently walked towards the door.

"Ahhhh…." Li Su Ming screamed as she saw her life flash in front of her. It was that stupid ancient skirt again. She had tripped once more. Even as she was falling, she could only think of one thing. She would introduce these people to shorts.

Suddenly her hand was grasped and her body twirled like the wind, right into his arms.

He smelled nice was her first thought. Her hand that was placed on his chest couldn't help but admire his hard muscles. She smirked perverted. She never would have guessed her every reaction was caught by him.

His arm was around her waist. Li Su Ming looked up to see the man. He was indeed as dreamy as the script described him. This was like a scene in the movies where the male lead saves the female and they fall in love, she continued to dream. Her deep thoughts were interrupted by his angry tone. "YOU!"

Before she knew it, she had no physical support. And her bottom landed first on the ground. "Ouch!" She rubbed her bottom as she looked up angrily at Feng Meng Hao. She didn't think he would actually let her go. "Why did you drop me? So not a gentleman." She scolded him.

"Why is it you?" His tone was harsh.

"Me?" Li Su Ming reached for her face. "My veil." She whispered before seeing it next to her. She faked a laugh. "SURPRISE!" She put both her hands up in the air as if this was just a simple birthday party surprise.

"Li Su Ming, why is it you?" He did not enjoy her "surprise".

"I can explain." When she realized he wasn't going to warm up to her cheerful attitude, she suddenly went back to scared mode.