Blossom in the Darkness

Marjoram, one evening in 16th year of King Fennel's Reign

Lily's skin prickled as a gust of cold air caressed her arms and face. A few strands of her golden hair covered her vision as the malicious wind blew her hood.

Shivering, the twelve-year-old pulled her cloak snugly around her body and resumed her trek.

She could only hear the occasional hoots of an owl and the rustling of leaves from the trees.

Despite walking in that darkened woods, she could feel no fear. Instead her heart thumped in anticipation and excitement as she neared her destination.

"Lily, you shouldn't be doing this." Killer muttered all of the sudden.

"Do keep your mouth shut, Killer." The girl snapped. "or I am going to throw you away."

The poor bear just hid himself inside his mistress's pocket. He knew better than to oppose her.

With the resplendent beams of the full moon guiding her path, Lily could already make out the silhouette of crosses and stones which stood proudly in that vast yard.

"Lily... please don't..." Killer pleaded his mistress while peeking out of his hiding place. He had a foreboding feeling about the place.

But the girl ignored him and shoved him inside her pocket.

With a faint smile appearing on her face, she made her way to the steel gates which were held together by vines.

Giving it a strong tugged, she managed to pull the gates open making the hinges creak.

"Finally..." she whispered as she eyed the yard. Her eyes zeroed in a few paces away where a stone gargoyle sat as if guarding the perimeter.

"I really have a bad feeling about this." Killer shivered. "Lily, I think we ought to leave."

"If you want to leave, then go ahead. I am not stopping you. I'm doing this whether you like it or not."

Knowing that his mistress won't listen, Killer was left with no choice but to allow her to do as she pleases.

Taking out a map, she held it out to see its layout. "This is it!"

She made her way through the rows of tombstones while scrutinizing the names.

"Halliwell... Halliwell... found it!" she exclaimed when she found the tomb she was looking for.

"Are you sure that it is the right one?"

"Of course! It says here...Halliwell." She pointed to the engraved name.

"It's got to be here somewhere..."she muttered as she let her eyes search for the item she was seeking.

Her face brightened up when she saw a lone plant. It was just a few meters away from the tombstone, hidden inside the thick canopy of bushes. The pale blue bud was yet to open.

She knew that Halliwell's flower would bloom when the clock strikes midnight and darkness engulfs the yard. She needed to pluck it while it is still closed for the potion to work.

Happy that she finally found what she had been looking for, Lily made a haste to pick the bud.

As she walked past the tombstone, she failed to notice the stone gargoyle moved its claw. Its eyes glowed red as the girl approached her target.

Even before she could get her hands on it, a shadow loomed above her.

"Lily! Watch out!" Killer exclaimed as he noticed the gargoyle descending towards them. Glancing up, she barely avoided the claws of the grave's guardian.

"Crap! I totally forgot about you." She huffed as she took out her dagger.

Upon seeing that flower earlier, the warning about the grave's guard flew out of her mind. For ages, the beast kept all those who want the flower for themselves away.

"You knew fully well that you haven't been trained for combat. We ought to leave!"

"Shut up, bear!" The girl hissed as she scrambled to her feet and desperately tried to fight off the huge monstrosity.

Unfortunately, her dagger got knocked out of her hand. Her eyes widened in horror as the gargoyle gave an ear splitting screech.

Falling to the ground, she covered her ears. Her heart was thumping like crazy with panic and fear. How naive of her to think that she could do this by herself.

She closed her eyes knowing fully well that she could not escape the gargoyle. Without her weapon, she was rendered defenseless.

Before the gargoyle could sink its claws on the girl's body, Killer slipped out from his mistress's pocket.

The palm sized bear jumped in between the guardian and his mistress. "Lily, please run!"

Lily's eyes widened as the gargoyle caught her stuffed animal and tore him apart.

"No! Killer died!" She screamed as she got to her feet.

She would have retrieved Killer but knowing that the gargoyle would attack, she had to leave him behind along with the bud.

"I'm sorry Killer. I won't let your sacrifice go to waste." Lily did the next logical thing to do, abort her mission and get out of the place.

She ran as fast as her legs could take her but she stumbled when something grabbed her ankle.

Her fear doubled up as her leg was caught by a hand. With the gargoyle just a few meters away, she struggled to break free from her restraint.

The girl did manage to free herself but in the process the stone creature had her cornered. Closing her eyes in resignation, she waited for the creature to attack.

But instead of feeling the claws of death, a surge of strong magic filled the air and light illuminated the already moonlit place.

"Your royal highness!" came a sharp familiar voice.

Lily opened her eyes to see that the gargoyle had reverted back into being a stone. A few steps away from it, was a boy.

"Zeke?" she squeaked.

She grimaced as she noted the stern look on his face. With his fluttering long dark robe, illuminating staff and stone-crumbling glare, he seemed intimidating.

"What were you thinking, princess? You are not supposed to be out here in the graveyard." He reprimanded while helping her up. "You should have been in bed more than three hours ago."

She gulped knowing that once again the wizard's apprentice had learnt about her little escapade.

She could only imagine the amount of scolding she would get once her father would found out about her misadventure.

"Hazel had gone in hysteria after checking your room and finding out that you weren't safely tucked in bed."

Lily bit back the snarky reply, despite wanting to give her retort.

"How did you even get past your guards and get out here?"

She wanted to lie to him but found that she couldn't. Scowling, she replied. "I just discovered the passage leading here and I used the invisibility dust that you gave me."

"I shouldn't have given you that invisibility dust and told you the story of that blasted flower." He muttered under his breath as he began drawing a pentagram on the ground.

"You know that you are not allowed to go off on such dangerous escapades especially during nights, unaccompanied at that."

"I have Killer with me." Lily muttered as she retrieved the lifeless stuffed bear.

"Such a ridiculous name for a stuffed toy..." he muttered. Zeke snatched Killer from the girl and held out its limbs. There were a few cotton balls sticking out from the torn fabric. "Do you honestly think he could protect you? This is the nth time you got him killed!"

"I know. But you can always fix him."

"I can always fix Killer but that is not my point." Shaking his head, he began his usual speech.

"You knew fully well that these little adventures of yours can lead to disaster. If you are not careful, you will be the one who will be torn in half instead of your guard-stuffed bear."

Rolling her eyes, she cut him off. "I can take care of myself. There is no need to worry about me."

"You can take care of yourself you say..." Zeke snorted. "That is quite funny coming from someone who almost got mauled by a gargoyle. If the king will learn about this, he would be very livid."

"Father wouldn't know, if you won't tell him."

Sighing, he spoke in a soft but firm tone. "Lily, you will become our future ruler. If you continue doing these strange hobbies, people would have low regards about you."

The princess just kept quiet and refused to listen further.

Staring at the princess's haughty look, Zeke sighed in resignation. The King and the Queen of Marjoram were good rulers well loved by their people. Unfortunately, their only daughter and heiress turned out a bit too different from the royalties and the nobles in their country.

Producing a black candle, Zeke prepared for the journey. But before he could light it, the princess broke free and managed to snatch the flower. She came back to the apprentice before he lit the candle up which activated the transportation spell that will take them back to the castle.

As soon as the light faded, the princess and the wizard fledgling found themselves at a darkened hall.

Zeke made sure that no one would spot them as he began escorting the princess back to her room. The door opened and a hand seized the princess.

Lily was caught by surprise as she was engulfed in a bone crushing hug.

"Your highness!" a female voice cried out. Lily pulled away and looked at the pale face of her lady-in-waiting. "Where have you been? I wouldn't forgive myself if something bad happened to you." she exclaimed as tears rolled down her cheeks.

Consumed by guilt and shame, Lily tried to comfort the older girl. "Look, I am sorry I ran off again. I just wanted to get this." She apologized before holding up the bud.

"Halliwell." Hazel gasped as she eyed the pale blue unopened flower. She gave the young wizard a glare before asking the princess. "Why would you want to get this?"

"I want to prove to the ladies of the court that I can become a witch!" she declared with utmost determination.

Hazel's face was instantly filled with worry lines at the princess's words. But instead of voicing out her disapproval, she asked Zeke. "How did you manage to find her?"

"Through Killer. The mana I gave him suddenly came back to me when he died." He held up the mangled bear.

He sighed in frustration. "It was a good thing that I made it in time."

As if remembering something, Hazel said. "Speaking of time, I think it is high time for her highness to turn in for the night. She should be up early for His Majesty's arrival."

"Papa's coming home?" Lily asked with a frown on her face. "You wouldn't tell him about my adventure right?"

The apprentice and the lady-in-waiting just looked at one another. Their jobs would be put in jeopardy if they kept on covering for the princess.

But reporting to the King what had happened would also be troublesome. For one, they will be punished for allowing the young girl to slip out of the castle unaccompanied.

"I won't tell His Majesty but I will have to confiscate the Halliwell." Zeke said with an outstretched hand.

Lily looked at the flower and then to the boy. Hesitation was clear in her sky blue eyes. She wouldn't give up her conquest easily. But her awareness of the consequences once she refused made her relinquish the bud.

Tears welled up in her eyes as the wizard took the bud. He bid them goodnight and walked out of their sight.