
(Warning: Blood, violence and gore ahead.)

"What's going on?" Lily asked as she slowly got up from the floor.

A wave of dizziness hit her and made her nauseous.

"Hazel?" she called as she tried to make her way out of the hidden chamber. "Where is she?"

Only the eerie silence answered her.

However, the silence was broken as claps of explosions resounded in the air.

Lily jumped as chaos erupted. "What's going on?"

Confusion was written on her face as she was only answered by a lot of shouting and shrieking. Then something clicked in her mind.

"This is just a dream, right?" Then she pinched her face. "Ouch! Definitely not a dream."

"Lily, this isn't a dream!" Killer suddenly shrieked as he stumbled through the vent. "We are under attack!"

Realization finally set in. But instead of panicking, the princess steeled herself.

Keeping her head together, she made her move. Taking Killer, she made way outside and found the place on fire.

"Oh god... no... my dream is..." she gasped. Fear and horror seized her as the flame rose high and began blocking her path towards courtyard. "...happening."

Despite her heart sinking in despair, she refused to give up. Hazel did say that future can be altered. She had to do something.

"Hazel! Somebody!" she coughed out. Smoke clouded her vision and stung her eyes. Her body sweat profusely due to the heat.

"Lily, we need to find a way out. The fire is spreading." Killer said in panic.

Despite the fear that she felt, she tried to calm down and navigated through the corners of the hallway. She pressed her body by the wall to evade the licks of flames.

Finally getting out of the infernal path, she heaved a sigh of relief. However, her respite was short lived as the sight unfolded before her.

She had been expecting the same shadowy figures that broke through the castle's defenses in her dreams. But her shock doubled.

Instead of the shadows, armored knights from Azalea attacked her people and spilled blood on the ground. She could never mistake the amber Azalea blossom, the emblem on their chest armor.

"Oh God no." she cried as tears slid down her eyes.

Just a few meters away from her was a massacre. She shook as she saw one of the Azalean knights beheaded a castle guard.

The bloody severed head flew off from the body and landed just a few inches away from her.

A scream bubbled in her throat as the severed head rolled off and stopped at her feet. But the scream was never heard for a hand clasped her mouth shut.

"Don't scream your highness, it is me." Hazel hissed near her ears.

As relief flooded through Lily, she gave her lady-in-waiting a hug.

The older girl pulled away and dragged her towards a trapdoor. "We need to get away from here fast."

Using the secret passages, Hazel and Lily were able to get out of the palace.

"Hazel, where are we going?" she cried out as they ran.

"Somewhere safe..." Hazel panted as she led the princess towards a winding path.

"The town?" Killer asked.

"Unfortunately, the town had already been laid waste a few days ago." Hazel answered while making sure that no one will be able to see them.

As they were about to emerge out into the woods, Hazel scanned the area before motioning to the princess. "Let's go."

Lily's feet felt like bricks but she needed to keep up with Hazel's gait.

For more than an hour, they climbed down steep trails and walked through the slippery terrain.

"I think we will be safe here." Lily said. As soon as those words left her mouth, horses' gallops were heard.

"Run faster, your highness!" Hazel shouted as she dragged the poor girl into the thick woods.

Unfortunately, the horses were coming near, as if following the two.

Hazel pulled the princess inside a canopy of bushes and pressed her body to close to the rock.

With tear-stricken face, she hugged the princess and removed the amulet she was wearing.

"Take this, your highness. This will protect you." She said as she enclosed the amulet with the princess's hands.

"What?" Lily asked in confusion.

Hazel sniffed. "Zeke and Master Chervil will be waiting for you in Nightshades Grove. You need to get there. I already stored a locator spell inside the amulet. It will show you the way."

As Lily realized what Hazel was planning, she broke down in tears. "But Hazel..."

Hazel held her hand up to silence the younger girl. "Trust me okay? Everything will be fine. Once I distract them, use the opportunity to slip away. I want you to get out of here as far as you can."


"Please, your highness. There's nothing in this world that could make me happy, save your safety. Please work with me." She turned to the bear and ordered. "Killer, watch over her."

Then, Hazel gave the girl a hug. The maiden chanted something to the princess before dashing out of the bush to lure the enemies.

Minutes passed, Lily woke up from some sort of a trance.

Looking for her lady-in-waiting, she caught a glimpse of Hazel running away from the enemy knights.

Despite her attendant's plea, the princess found herself going out from her hiding place and following the path where Hazel and the enemies took.

"What do you think you are doing, Lily?" Killer hissed as he tried to get the princess's attention. But the girl ignored him.

She couldn't afford to let Hazel sacrifice herself. As soon as she got a few meters away from the bush, a hand seized her.

Panicking, Lily struggled to escape. But the person refused to let her go. Killer even tried to bite the hand of her captor but to no avail.

"Finally found you." a baritone voice hissed. It was almost out of breath. "What are you doing?"

Lily's eyes widened as she recognized the owner of the voice. "Briar!"

'He caught me! It will only be a matter of time before I get executed.' she internally screamed.

She struggled, but his grip was strong. Lily was surprised when instead of turning her in, Briar took the bear and dragged her to the opposite direction.

"Lily, you need to run. Father ordered the knights to kill everyone from Marjoram's court." He gritted his teeth and gripped her hand tightly in agitation. "I barely arrived in time to-"

Crying, she cut him off and tried pulling her hand away. "But Hazel..."

"I'm sorry but I cannot do anything for her." The flaxen haired prince refused to let go and led her towards a passage hidden by thick vines. "Hazel had sacrificed her life in order to save yours, so don't waste it. You need to flee."

Despite her confusion, Lily managed to ask. "Why are you helping me?"

Briar looked away before answering. A pinkish tinge was marring his face. "I have my own reasons. Promise me. You will get away from here and never come back."

He turned to the bear. "You have to watch your mistress and prevent her from doing foolish things."

"I will." Killer answered.

Then he added. "I might not be able to help you after this. You will be on your own."

Lily absentmindedly nodded. "Briar, thank you!" the words slipped out of her mouth.

The prince gave her a nod before making his way out.

She would have followed his advice. But before she could run away, a scream ripped through the air.

"Hazel!" Lily took a batch of invisibility powder and showered herself with it. Throwing caution in the wind, she sprinted towards Hazel.