
"One of the reasons your spells explode is your temper. But we can do something about it if you only manage to stay composed." Zeke began explaining.

"The other reason is that, you have the tendency to release explosive burst of mana. That is probably because you are not used to casting spells for a longer period of time and your control slips a lot."

Lily nodded as she absorbed the information. "so, how can I prevent the spell from exploding?"

"You will need a strong and consistent willpower. It is crucial in spell casting." Heather added while waving her hand.

A trail with purplish glowing runes formed on the ground. It extends towards the woods and around the Hallows property like a perimeter.

Heather ordered. "Run through this trail... 10 laps will be the minimum. If you managed to reach it, I will allow you to rest."

Lily scrunched up her brows. "10 laps! Why would I? Running has nothing to do with casting spells."

Zeke snapped his fingers and from above a pot fell and hit Lily on her head. "OW!" the girl rubbed the sore area.

"Your mana usually goes out of control when you get angry. You need to learn how to regulate it properly. Keep your focus so that you won't snap." Zeke reprimanded the girl.

"And this running exercise will help me? I didn't know casters should be athletic." The girl sarcastically remarked.

With eyes flashing in irritation, and with a vein popping on her right temple, Heather seethed. "This girl! This is not about physical activity! You need to build your endurance and stamina to cast spells properly!"

Lily just scoffed but prepared to do the task. However when she stepped on the trail, she got electrocuted.

"Ahhh! What in the world?!" she exclaimed as she was sent three meters away by the current. She felt her hair sticking up from the electricity.

"I forgot to tell you. The trail is made up from pure mana, if you won't protect yourself, you'll get shocked." Heather cackled at the girl's miserable appearance.

"You should have warned me earlier!" Lily grumbled as she sauntered near the start area.

Before taking her sprint, Lily concentrated her mana on her feet to prevent herself from getting electrocuted. Then she stepped on the trail and ran.

"I just hope she enjoys the surprises I prepared for her." Heather cackled evilly before Lily disappeared from view.


Lily had passed on a quarter mark when she noticed a certain presence. But keeping in mind that she needed to finish the first lap, she refused to acknowledge the presence.

Suddenly, a figure swooped down and bumped into her. Due to the impact, she lost the barrier and end up getting electrocuted. She was sent flying a few meters away.

"What in the world?!" she yelled profanities before looking at the culprit. It turned out to be an imp.

Getting pissed at the creature which was provoking her, Lily prepared to attack.

But her eyes widened in horror when all of the sudden several more creatures appeared and moving fast towards her.

"Those guys are residing in those parts of the property. They are quite territorial, so you have to avoid them at all cost. Since you cannot control your magic well, it will be best to runaway than to fight them." Heather's voice reverberated through the air.

Cussing, Lily avoided the assaults of the imps and made a barrier. With the preparations ready, she took off.

Some of the creatures were fast enough to keep up with her while others were left behind.

Lily was tempted to attack but she had to maintain her barrier. She couldn't cast a spell properly. Multiple casting at this stage is impossible for her.

With that, she held her grudge and pushed herself harder to avoid getting mobbed by the imps.

For just five laps around, Lily suffered getting knocked down by imps.

With scratches here and there and with her energy levels getting depleted, the princess would have given up. But her pride and determination did not allow her to surrender.

A few times, she tried fighting back. But when she would attack one imp, three more would replace it and would come after her.

By the end of the tenth laps, Lily looked like she had been through hell. Her clothes were torn and her black hair was in wild disarray.

She had bruises and scratches on her arms and legs. When she reached the finish line, she simply collapsed due to over fatigue.


Marjoram Castle

Briar's brows met as he approached his destination. Even he was still walking on the hallway, he could already hear the chaos taking place in the throne room.

"It seemed, Father is at it again." He muttered under his breath.

When he finally reached the venue, he winced. He only had a few seconds to duck as a bottle flew towards him.

It barely missed his head before it was smashed into pieces on the wall behind him. Grimacing, he took in the scene unfolding in front of him.

"Where the hell is it?" His father roared as he trashed the room. He looked crazed and was turning and throwing everything he could get his hands on.

He looked at his brother who was just hanging his head by the corner. The situation seemed hopeless and Briar knew that Reed had given up already.

"where are they keeping it? I need to find it." King Bulrush panted as he continued his search.

Approaching Reed, the younger prince sighed. "He's still holding on to that stupid legend."

"I know." Reed quietly said. "It has been a few months since we took over the kingdom but we found nothing. Father should give up. It is futile but he won't listen to me."

The two princes would have continued with their conversation but King Bulrush called the attention of his younger son.

"Yes, father?" the younger prince stepped forward after he heard his name.

"Briar, I want you to find it." The King began as he slumped on a vacant chair, which survived his onslaught.

"Find what, father?" the younger prince asked.

"Larmes de Lumiere..." the king replied.