This Generation's Enclave

Silvae, an area inside the Forest of Silence...

"Damn that head knight for reporting that Lily's body was not found!" Briar cursed as he led his horse through the thick woods.

He recalled what had transpired a few weeks ago in the castle where his father ordered him to hunt Marjoram's treasure, Larmes de Lumiere.

"Why would you want the Larmes?" the young prince asked.

"Why must you question me, my son?" the king retorted.

"Uhh... But father, we already have Azalean's treasure..."

Narrowing his eyes, Bulrush cut in. "I thought you are going to obey my command without questioning my authority, Briar."

The poor prince gulped.

The king continued. "I need you to find the Larmes and bring it to me."

Before the prince could say anything, one of the knights from the Hino Crimson order appeared to bring tidings.

"My lord, it seemed as though the princess managed to escape." The middle aged knight reported after the pleasantries.

Briar paled. He could not believe that one of the knights managed to witness the princess's escape thus confirming the report that she could still be alive out there.

The king almost had an outburst but managed to calm himself down.

Instead of throwing a fit, he turned to his son and ordered. "Find that girl. She might know where the treasure is."

"As you wish, your majesty." Briar gritted out.

Left with no choice, Briar had to embark on a journey to find Lily.

Contrary to his father's orders, he knew that he needed to do something in order to help his childhood friend.

"Father wants her found. Aside from me, he had mobilized other Marjoram nobles who defected to Azalea. Those damn traitors!" he clenched the reins in rage.

"I just hope I can find her first before anyone else can." the flaxen haired muttered as he allowed the stead to go deeper in the woods.

He had been riding for quite a long while when for some reasons he sensed danger closing in.

"I really felt like I am being watched." He murmured. "I am already far from both Marjoram and Azalea. This is a no man's territory-"

Before he could finish his sentence, an arrow zoomed past his head. He tried to duck and was successful in avoiding the attack but unfortunately, another shot grazed his horse.

Due to the surprise assault, the horse threw him off and ran away leaving him on the forest floor.

Though his back was hurting due to the impact, Briar managed to get up and fend another incoming assault.

Unluckily, he stepped on a trap with which he found himself dangling a good few meters away from the ground.

"Look at what we have here!" a baritone filtered his ears before he smelled something which made dark spots invade his vision.

When Briar opened his eyes he found himself in a darkened room with seven gilded chairs encircling a wooden table.

Briar tried to stand but found himself strapped on a chair.

"Ah Prince Briar, it's been a long time my boy!" a familiar cheery voice resonated through the room.

"King Leo?" Puzzled, Briar tried to see the person the voice belonged to. However, the young prince could not see him.

"You can't see me?" Leo asked.

Before Briar could answer, the baritone voice from earlier suddenly butted in. "Of course, he won't be able to see you. He is not the crown heir."

"Right..." King Leo quipped. "Only the kings and their crown heirs can see the Enclave during the Treffen."

Briar felt a hand rest on his shoulder. When he looked up, he caught sight of the emblem before he took a good look at the face.

The young man had piercing blue eyes and a scar running at his left cheek. "You are Crown Prince Caules of Cilantro."

The red haired man who seemed to be only a few summers older than Briar nodded.

"Why are you wandering about without any companions?" Caules interrogated.

"I'm out for a quest..." he answered while trying to untie his binds.

"Ah... A quest! Reminds me so much when I was young." Leo exclaimed.

Caules motioned his head towards the seats.

Briar turned and was surprised to see that a king who had a jolly face and chubby cheeks sat on the right chair next to the center most seat.

"King Leo, it has been a long time, Your Majesty." Briar greeted him awkwardly since he could not stand or bow. "I was not able to see you earlier."

"You won't see me unless a crown heir touches you and lent you his ability to see the Enclave. It is Treffen night after all." The Verbanian king explained.

Briar almost smiled. He liked the king of Verbana. Unlike the other royals from allied countries, Leo was not flamboyant nor overbearing.

"Uhhhm... could you untie me now?" Briar asked while shifting uncomfortably. His hands were already getting numb.

"Sorry about that." The other prince apologized before untying him.

"Why have you brought me here?" Briar inquired after Caules set him free.

Sporting a serious look on his face, the king began. "You must have heard what your kingdom, Azalea and what your father had done."

"Yes, your majesty."

"Pray tell. What made King Bulrush do something atrocious such as laid the entire kingdom of Marjoram to waste without defiance sent?" The King interrogated. His playful tone was replaced with a serious one.

"Honestly, your majesty. I am unable to know." Briar replied without concealing the truth. He was left in dark by his father.

"Briar, as the second in command of the Enclave, it is my duty to ensure that the kingdoms will never be in conflict." the King's eyes zeroed in on the boy.

When Briar did not speak, he added. "It is my responsibility to ensure that a war will never happen. Hence, I need to know what is going on before letting the Enclave step in to handle the case."

Briar signed in resignation before telling the truth that he knew.

"Marjoram and Azalea were preparing for a political marriage since King Fennel never had a male heir. Princess Lily was engaged to me as stipulated in the Enclave's rule."

Caules supplied. "Only male heirs are allowed to rule the kingdom. If there is such a case that a male heir is not available, the King escort will become the ruler."

"However, my father and King Fennel must have gotten into an argument. I am not really sure with the details." he answered.

Briar was only aware of his betrothal but the other details regarding the Kingdom's skirmish was foreign to him.

King Leo nodded and then threw another question. "How was it possible that your father was able to conquer Fennel's Kingdom in a short amount of time?"

"I don't know, your majesty. I was not aware of how my father had launched an attack. When I already reached Marjoram, they were able to breach the castle."

Briar recalled when he arrived at Marjoram. The castle gate's were flung open and corpse of both Marjoranans and a few Azaleans strewn the grounds.

Several areas in the castle was set ablaze and the royal family was nowhere to be found. Knowing that Lily might still be alive, Briar had to find her...which he did.

"I had been busy locating for my betrothed to allow her to escape. So I had no idea what had exactly happened prior to the siege." Briar shared.

"So the princess was able to escape." Caules muttered.

"Where is princess Lily now?" the king narrowed his grey eyed at Briar.

Briar hesitated, he was a bit embarrassed for not thinking things through during that time

. "I...I don't know... After allowing her to escape, I was not able to trace her whereabouts."

"This brat!" Caules exclaimed.

"He speaks the truth. Chide him no more." A man suddenly appeared in a flicker of light.

His robes swayed as he made his way to the center chair. He looked a bit younger than Leo but has a more intimidating presence than the older king.

"King Darius of Thyme." Leo acknowledged. All three of them stood and gave their respects.

Briar stood upright before the man.

Despite being known as one of the esteemed members of the Enclave, the man in front of him was far from what the stories had spoken. He seemed more severe in person.

For him to meet, the head of the Enclave was a dream. His instinct was telling him that something big will happen soon... something he will not like.

"May I know what is going on? Why did you bring me here?"

"I just want clarifications regarding your father's goal and about the missing princess." Darius answered as his dark brown eyes zeroed in on Briar.

"I had already answered most of the questions earlier, your majesty. I really don't know what my father is planning except that he wanted to get the treasure. Then he wanted me to find Lily but I was not able to track her yet." Briar shared without faltering.

"King Bulrush is one of members of the Enclave, however for the past few months, he was not able to attend the Treffen." Darius said.

"Then we suddenly heard the attack he made at Marjoram. " Darius looked at the prince in the eye. "We want to know what is going on."

"Supposedly your brother would have been a candidate for the Enclave but since he is by your father's side, his moves are restricted." Leo added. "Briar, can we trust you to make an investigation regarding this matter? "

Though he was hesitant, Briar answered. "Yes, your majesties. But what of Lily?"

"You may search for her as well. But prioritize looking into your father's next steps."