Aftermath 2

"I apologize for showing you something unsightly." Atropa said for the umpteenth time after she was considerably calmed down. She drew away from his embrace and fixed her bearing.

The prince sighed as he reluctantly let her go. He then handed her a handkerchief. "Do not worry about such things. I knew that you have seen something that may have greatly unsettled you."

As the girl took the handkerchief to wipe the remnant of tears on her face, she had imparted. "That phylactery must have contained not only the spell that made Antfol became a lich, but also the emotions that he had felt."

She stopped short after she finished fixing her self. "That jar seemed to have contained Antfol's longing for the one he loved, his own obsession towards the fae as well as his hatred when she has chosen death than to be with him." 

"I think I must have been overwhelmed by the depth of his emotion. I could feel something dark squirming in my chest as I recall those glimpses." She rubbed her left chest where her heart is.

Then the girl said as she held out the prince's handkerchief. "Can I keep this for a while? I will just return this after I washed, cleaned and ironed it for you."

In response, the prince shook his head. "No need to return it. You can keep it."

"But this has the Azalean Family emblem. I will be punished for using your things which are only exclusive for royals." She reasoned out as she pointed at the embroidered Azalea.

"No need to worry about it." He said.

But since the girl insisted, he finally gave in. "Well, since you would rather return it. Then do as you please. Although, I do not have any qualms when you would like to use my things."

Then he added in almost a whisper. "I would be happy if you use some of things freely, what is mine will be yours and you will be mine…"

"especially, if you agree to become my princess." He muttered to himself.

"What?" she asked since she was not able to hear the rest of his statement. 

Instead of replying, he chose to keep quiet. He knew that Atropa will reprimand him, if he would bring up the topic of having a romantic relationship between people with different stations. 

In order to change the awkward mood, the prince had changed his topic. "Do you think you are well enough to continue our search for the fae's item?" He asked.

The flaxen haired noted that Atropa was no longer as shaken as before. Colors had already returned to her once pallid face.

Briar held out his hand and when she took it, he helped her up. 

Atropa then cast her gaze around, the tiny Attie dolls were gathering around them while watching with utmost interest. Smiles were somehow painted across their cute faces.

"What are you looking at?" Atropa asked her miniature copies.

One of copies held out a parchment. When her mistress took it, she grinned and dashed a few meters away like a child who had just committed a mischief.

Atropa blushed as she read the words. She looked at her tiny copies and burst. "You!" she let the parchment burst into fire before she addressed the little ones. "Come back!"

The little Attie's giggled before they all curtsied and disappeared into thin air.

"What happened? What was written on the parchment?" the prince was very curious at the girl's reactions.

"Nothing that his highness should know of." She turned away to hide the blush marring her face.

Although, Briar would love to know the contents of the parchment, he chose not to delve any further. He got a feeling that Atropa would be upset if he would continue asking her.

"I think we have to look for that item Lumina was talking about." He said as he tugged at her hand. "Let's go!" Thus, the flaxen haired prince led the way.

They made their way out of the hidden chamber and found a path towards a bigger corridor.

When they came to a fork in the road, Atropa held Lumina towards each path. At the left path, she ceased to shine but when Atropa held her towards the right wing, she had shone brightly, thus the pair took that path to their right.

Just a few paces away, they had stopped short when they discovered.

"Isn't this a dead end?" the prince said in bewilderment.

"but why would Lumina lead us to a dead end?" the girl wondered when she suddenly stepped forward and had moved a loose stone.

There was a sound of mechanism activating before the two of them saw a tarp door open before them. The inside of the chamber was bare saved for a pedestal at the center.

 On top of it were two items, a thick book and a scabbard which were both enclosed with in a barrier of light.

When the pair entered the room, the two items seemed to have started throbbing as if they had come to life.

Lumina shone and urged the girl to come near the pedestal. With a light touch, the barrier dissipated. The scabbard disappeared.

When Lumina changed into her dagger form and the scabbard reappeared and had encased the dagger. The fit was perfect and the scabbard goes well with Lumina with its intricate design and bejeweled appearance.

"Wow! For some reasons, the pressure that I have been feeling got toned down." She muttered. Then both Lumina and her scabbard returned to her bracelet form.

The girl noted that Lumina had changed her appearance for a bit. It was no longer the silvery thin bracelet like earlier. Now Lumina looked more alike a bangle with gold and silver interlacing with one another. Several jewels dotted around it.

While she was busy with the bracelet, Briar drew near the pedestal and looked at the tome. The cover has ornate golden interlaced vine and leaf design and a large amber gem accentuated the center.

"This looks like a grimoire." He said as he reached out to touch the book.

But as soon as his fingers had contact with the surface, Briar drew back his hand as electric shocks assaulted him. "What?"

"Your highness, you shouldn't have touched it. It is not for you." Atropa admonished.

"no wonder, it wouldn't allow me to lift it up." He mumbled as he held his hand. He could still feel the current running.

All of the sudden, the earth shook and the door suddenly closed. "Dear me… You seemed to have activated the trap your highness!" Atropa exclaimed as she grabbed the tome. 

The chamber suddenly darkened and water started seeping through the corners.

"How are we going to get out?" the prince said as he looked for another way. But since this chamber was supposed to be the dead end, there seemed to be no way out.

Atropa stored her tome and helped the prince in trying to open the door. Unfortunately, the door wouldn't budge. 

What's more the chamber started to get flooded and the water had already reached their waists.

"We need to get out of here!" Atropa gasped almost in panic.