
Azalea, in the reign of King Reed… 

The dark-haired king sighed as he finished stacking the last few papers that he finished signing. 

"When is this going to end?" he asked while massaging his glabella. The area around his eyes were a bit dark due to over work.

He stretched before eyeing the mountain of documents that he needed to review and approve.  His shoulder sagged as he noticed the amount of work that he needed to finish. 

Reed had returned to Azalea for a few months, while leaving Marjoram to his brother. 

Normally, Marjoram would be ruled by the king's descendants or in some rare cases a new king blessed by the spirits. 

The spirits had not chosen anyone to take over Marjoram's throne, so there wasn't a new king.

After the trial of King Bulrush, the newly enthroned King Reed had declared that he would return Marjoram. 

Both Reed and Briar never agreed to their father's plan to invade Marjoram but they weren't able to stop the plan. So, they agreed to return the country to the princess. 

However, they could not find Lily after that siege. Since there were no other heirs, the Enclave suggested to make Briar the regent. 

Briar was the princess's betrothed. It would be rightful that he would be temporarily made regent. 

Unfortunately, Briar went on a self-imposed exile. He left even before the Enclave had given their verdict. 

Being Briar's older brother and the son of the one who besieged Marjoram, Reed had to take responsibility. 

He had been juggling two countries at the same time. Reed felt that he would definitely go insane if he continued. 

"Your Majesty, you need to summon his highness back." Nigel suggested when he noticed that his king could no longer keep up with things. "at this rate, you might break down." 

He finally gave in when things had turned even more chaotic. He summoned his younger brother to take over as regent. 

He was very happy that Briar did not disappoint him. He was finally able to go back to Azalea and settle some of the problems of their home country. 

"I wonder how he is doing." He muttered as he took a sip from his tea. He momentarily took a break from perusing the papers. 

Just then, a knock sounded at the door. 

"Come in."  Reed called out. 

His aide, the count of Razell, Lord Humphrey sauntered in. "Your majesty, here is the report from Marjoram." 

He took the letter and motioned his aide to leave. 

He spat his tea when he read the report. "To think that he would leave Rozen just to personally investigate on site! Is he mad?! He had two knight orders at his disposal…" 

"I know that he is capable but he shouldn't have taken all of the work personally on his own." Reed grumbled as he finished reading the paper. 

"Not that I am one to talk." He looked at the mountains of documents he had on the table. 

He could not deny it. He was simply a workaholic. And it seemed that his brother is also the same. 

Although, he was glad that Briar had finally started taking charge of Marjoram but the latest report about his wayward sibling make him feel that another head ache will come. 

"Seriously. They had been gone for a week! I just hope that nothing serious had happened." He combed his dark hair with his fingers in frustration. 

"He did not even take guards and only took Rozen's maid in tow. What in the world is he thinking?" 

He felt a certain something broke a few days ago. It felt as if a shackle of some sort had been severed. 

"Something bad must have happened." Call it brotherly bond, but he felt that his younger sibling had been in trouble.

His thoughts were interrupted when Lord Humphrey announced that he had a guest. 

"He claims that he was your friend who came from Verbena." Humphrey reported. 

Reed received the letter a few days ago that the Grand Duke of Alcove will pay him a visit. As one of the members of the Enclave, he had to attend the Treffen.

Unfortunately, he missed several treffens due to the workload that he had. 

"I knew this was coming." He muttered as he tidied himself up to meet the guest. 

When he came inside the parlor, he was surprised that it was an old friend. 

"Everett!" he greeted the Grand Duke of Alcove. 

"It has been a long time, Reed." The grey eyed blond prince greeted him back. 

They became friend when Everett stayed in Azalea. The Grand Duke had spent his vacation with his mother who was of Azalean descent. 

Since Reed is of the same age, they get along well. 

"So what brings you here?" the king asked. 

"I have an errand given to me by my father." 

"I see. How many days will you be staying?"  Reed was quite glad that he could take a break and spend time with his friend even just for a short while. 

"Unfortunately, I can only stay for a few days. I have to go back to Verbena." 

"A pity." The king was a bit disappointed. 

Everett did not dilly-dally, he asked with all seriousness. "You felt something broke a few days ago. Am I right?" 

"Now, that you mentioned it. I did." Reed recalled that strange feeling of something being severed. 

"That was a resonance." Everett informed. "The seal from Marjoram has been broken."

"What?!" the king exclaimed. All Reed could think of was his brother. "Briar! It must have been him!"

He knew a headache would come. It seemed his brother had done something stupid. 

"Hey! Calm down." Everett's words halted Reed's train of thoughts. "Briar is not capable of destroying the seal. Only Marjoram's heir could break the seal." 

Reed stopped short. "Does that mean…is it Lily?" 

"She is not a male heir." Everett pointed out. "Besides we have never found the princess. Yet." 

"If it is not Briar and if it is not Lily. Then who?" Reed muttered. 

"We cannot solve this puzzle. Not yet anyway. Unless, we ask Briar."

Reed abruptly stood up to leave. "I have to go and confront my brother!" 

Everett stopped the king from leaving. "You do not have to worry. Regius had already gone to contact Briar." 

Reed tiredly slumped on the couch. "Briar was out investigating and we don't know where that brat has gotten into." 

"We will just wait for him to return." Everett assured him. 

Everett changed the topic. "By the way, we need you to check the seal here in Azalea. We already checked the ones in our territories. It is about time to know the state of the seal here." 

"Alright, I will investigate and set up countermeasures." 

They talked for a while about trivial things until it was time for the duke to leave. 

"You have to attend the next summon. The other kings are looking forward in meeting you." Everett said. 

Reed apologized for not coming. The problems had piled up and he needed to stabilize everything first. 

"I can see you are busy. Take a break and learn from our seniors. Maybe you can gain advices that can help." Everett advised. 

"Where are you going next?"

"I will have to pay my maternal grandparents a visit." 

"I see." Reed nodded. "See you soon."