Chapter 2
"I choose the green core." I say as I watch Cersei's smile grow to an inhuman length stretching across her face.
"Well that's a good choice my champion. From diving into your thoughts it seems that you know this world fairly well it's the world of Naruto." As soon as I hear my destination I feel a mix of emotion wash over my spiritual body a fair amount of excitement, fear, and anticipation. If I was getting transported there with no powers I would be much more worried than I am now but I won't be going there powerless. I'm ready now, I'm ready to start over and regain everything I lost because now I have a goal and I won't let anything get in my way.
"I understand." I say giving a curt nod. "Are you able to choose who my parents will be?" I ask genuinely curious whether I will have another advantage in this new world only to get a sly smirk in response.
"I will give you a rebirth worthy of being a demigod." She says while clapping her hands together. "Now then it is time for your rebirth. You've already been here long enough I worry about how much longer your spiritual form will be able to contain all of the darkness energy." Cersei quickly steps forward her index finger gaining a golden glow tapping my forehead as a tingling sensation spreads across my body.
"How will I be able to reach you?!" I ask frantically before I disappear.
"If you concentrate hard enough you will be able to contact me and don't forget my child. We are now a family. I will come when I'm needed." She says while caressing my cheek, giving me a kiss on the forehead, sending a warm sensation through my body making me smile. It's been so long since I've had a family or anyone to watch my back. The last person who did shot me in the head. Looking at Cersei's grinning face my consciousness drifts into the reincarnation process not to be disturbed until I've been reborn.
Feeling as though I'm waking up from a long nap my senses immediately get bombarded, pain being the most obvious one. The feeling of my whole body being crushed gets quickly replaced by my skin feeling like it's on fire. Is this what it feels like to be born? Letting out a wail of pain I begin to cry like a baby unable to to control this child body of mine. Trying to open my eyes I'm unable to as I quickly use my hearing instead to know what's going on as I feel myself get embraced in something soft more than likely a blanket.
"Congratulations Lady Sanae, it's another baby boy!" The cheery voice stings my fragile ear drums as I feel myself get handed to warm comforting arms. Did she say another, do I have a twin? Listening closely I hear screams other than my own confirming my suspicions of having a sibling.
"Thank you Ryuko now I'm sure Sanae would like to be around family. She's just been through a trying ideal after all." The voice of an older woman comes from my side as she speaks with a tone of authority to Ryuko.
"W-what about her healing?! She's just given birth!" Ryuko asks frantically.
"Don't worry Ryuko, you've done well. I can handle it from here." The old woman says as I hear Ryuko sigh as I hear her steps slowly leave the room. Me and my brother's crying fills the silent room as I hear a tired chuckle come from my mother as she holds us.
"Was that really necessary Mito? She was just doing her job." My mother's voice is soft and soothing but the tiredness is clear in her voice as she lets out another small chuckle.
"Yes it was. I remember when I gave birth, all I wanted to be alone with my child and family not poked and prodded by the medics. Let's get you patched up so you can get to know the little ones. Have you thought of names?" As I continue to listen to the conversations around me a wave of tiredness washes over me as I try to fight the urge to fall asleep.
"Yes I have. Jin and I decided on Nawaki and Shiki before he died." She says with a tinge of sadness in her voice before the inevitable calling of sleep consumes me.
(Time Skip: four months old)
I don't think anyone would want to reincarnate into the real Naruto world not the one that they show on T-V and in then manga but the real Naruto world. The world where they train child soldiers to fight their wars for them as cannon fodder, the world where a single person can destroy a whole village. A world plagued with war and death.
That became even more true when I was born and I was able to examine the situation I was in. I was fortunate when Cersei said that she would give me a birth worthy of a Demi God she wasn't kidding; I was born into a Shinobi family and a long line at that and it was clearly forged into my baby body. I had more control over my muscles for starters and the loose and flabby skin that children my age normally have wasn't really there and. It seemed as though there was already a feeling of endurance built into this body as well.
This body was built to be a weapon and it thrilled me but it also made me realize that with all the power I was still just a lucky human who can still be killed like everyone else.
Feeling someone caress my cheek my thoughts get broken as I look up at my main caretaker Mito Uzumaki her red hair up in two buns still wearing a black kimono as a show of mourning. Mito began taking care of my brother and I shortly after we were born when my mother died due to childbirth complications; apparently she always had a fairly weak body and it just couldn't handle the strain of giving birth again. I wasn't saddened by the loss of my mother although she gave birth to me she wasn't the reason for my existence.
Although Mito is older she still holds the grace of a dancer and gives off a noble aura she is even able to keep up with my brother and I.
I was surprised and extremely happy when I found out I was a Senju and Hashirama's grandson to top it off but I won't grow cocky, with beasts like Itachi and Madara out there getting content is a death sentence. Having the Senju DNA does not make you invincible, just look at Yamato. He had wood release and the same DNA as me and he could never hope to beat Itachi the same as Nawaki; he couldn't even survive the Second World War. I will not let the potential given to me by Cersei go to waste. I will grow strong to spread her will and grow even stronger to survive this cursed world.
Getting lifted from my crib by Mito I'm set on the cold hard wood as I struggle to get up on all fours to begin to crawl. As Mito picks up Nawaki from the crib next to mine she walks across the room sitting in the rocking chair and begins to coo to me encouraging me to come to her. I began to crawl around a month ago and it seemed to surprise Mito, Tsunade, and myself. Tsunade is a good sister. She doesn't blame us for our mother's death, which is much more than I can say for myself if I were in her shoes but she tries to spend as much time with us as possible when she isn't on missions or busy.
Struggling to lift myself off my stomach I plant both my hands on the hardwood pushing with all my might to hold up this heavy body. Slowly placing one hand in front of the other I slowly make my way to grandma Mito while she encourages me. I don't remember much about kids from my old world but I'm fairly certain that they weren't supposed to crawl as early as I did; my brother not following in my path just confirmed my assumption that either being a Demigod or holding the 'darkness energy' has accelerated my development.
Eventually making it to Mito she lifts me from the floor and sits me on her lap next to my brother.
"Well Shiki you seem to be growing by the day. I'm sure you'll make a fine Shinobi just like your grandfather and sister." Mito coos while rocking us back and forth as I fall back asleep the strain of crawling catching up to me.
(Time Skip: Two years old)
I am two years old now and I must say it is boring being a child. I began to walk at around six months old which gave me more freedom to do what I wanted but I usually had either Mito or Tsunade or both of them peaking over my shoulder keeping an eye on me. I also said my first word around that same time.
Over the two years I can now walk without hindrance and can speak fairly well. I was also able to get a connection to my chakra and it seems absolutely monstrous. From what grandma Mito says it is comparable to even some high genin level Shinobi and low chunin level Shinobi. Much to my surprise I was also able to feel a second energy right next to my chakra but compared to my chakra this energy seems like an ocean and comparing the two it seems chaotic, unstable, and cold compared to the warm comforting feeling I get from the chakra. At first I was unable to tell the difference between the two but when we went to the library I read a book on chakra with Mito and learned what it felt like being able to distinguish the darkness energy to the chakra.
I've begun training as well, nothing strenuous, just a few push ups and sit ups so I don't damage my child body while still beginning to work my muscles. The most important thing that I've begun to do is work on my chakra control which might be one of the most difficult things I've ever done. I chose to begin my training in private to not raise any alarms choosing to begin with the leaf sticking exercise but it didn't work! Every time I would try and stick the leaf to my head it would just shoot right off of it with no warning so I had to improvise. A leaf was too small and was too concentrated of a point for me to try to concentrate all of my chakra on so I chose to get pieces of paper and as foolish as it sounds a piece of paper has a larger surface area that I'm able to focus my chakra on.
Hearing the pitter patter of feet coming down the hallway my attention is drawn to the door as it swings open revealing my older brother Nawaki with a wide grin on his face. We're almost completely identical copies of each other, the only difference being the fact that my hair is blonde like Tsunade's and I don't have any blushes on my cheeks. I'm also bigger than he is much to his ire, his belief being 'I'm older so I should be bigger'.
"Shiki! Grandma Mito and I are going on a walk around the compound. Want to come with us?!" Feeling a slight twitch on the side of my lip I sigh while jumping off the bed still wearing my pajamas directing my attention towards my older brother.
"Nawaki grandma said no shouting inside." I scold softly while thinking about what the show said about Naruto sharing similarities with Nawaki and them being absolutely right. Naruto is almost exactly the same as Nawaki they're both impulsive, loud, and want to be Hokage. Nawaki not quite yet but if everything goes as I remember then he will soon.
"Shiki is right Nawaki I told you no yelling inside it's bad manners." Grandma Mito says while standing behind Nawaki in the doorway his cheeks quickly turn ghost white before she directs her attention at me. "Well Shiki, do you wish to join Nawaki and I on a walk or wait for your sister to come home from her mission? It shouldn't be long now it's a simple C rank." She says while giving me a grandmotherly smile.
It really is nice having a family and having a place where you know you can be safe and not have to worry so much, but I refuse to become content with what I have because soon I can lose it all. Nawaki is going to get killed during the second war around our twelfth birthday and I don't know how I feel about it. I've never felt grief before. I never grew attached to anyone except Johnny but now I have a whole family, a group of people who will never betray me and I will do my best to protect them.
"That's ok grandma Mito I'll wait for Tsuna to come back from her mission." I say with a smile as Mito nods, taking Nawaki's hand as she turns to leave.
"Ok well Nawaki and I will be walking around the compound. Don't leave the house." She calls leaving me alone in my room as she goes to leave for her walk as I get changed. Listening closely I wait till I hear grandma Mito and Nawaki leave for their walk before leaving my room expertly navigating the halls eventually making my way to the backyard.
One of the key parts of training is to understand yourself and I have still yet to familiarize myself with potentially one of my strongest assets…my darkness energy. Looking across the large backyard everything looks so big to me. The trees look more like large skyscrapers rather than just trees but I didn't come here to sight see. Sitting down in the position most comfortable to me I close my eyes focusing on the energy within my abdomen scooping into the sea of energy grabbing only a small handful processing it through my body equally distributing it until there is no more to distribute. Opening my eyes I try to focus the energy into my hand as I release it I'm astonished as...